I'll be editing this post to make the links more uniform in appearance and have better descriptions as the mood takes me, or as I run across different miniature companies in my websurfing.
[url]http://www.3t-studios.com/[/url]Scratchbuilt terrain and tables
[url]http://www.amera.co.uk/[/url] Vacuform terrain with fantasy, modern, and future themes. really cheap too.
[url]http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/[/url] Some neat stuff in his store in terms of 40k terrain and modeling.
[url]http://armorcast.com/store/index.php/[/url] Lots of Terrain and some tanks, their models and Steampunk stuff is okay
[url]atlargegamers.tumblr.com/[/url] Augmented wargaming terrain and accessories. Check out the Clockwork Cove and penny Arcade commission table.
[url]http://www.avatars-of-war.com/[/url] So. Amazingly. Beautiful. If you play Fantasy, you owe it to yourself to take a look at these models for your lords or heroes; they have at least one model for virtually every faction and they are all gorgeous..
[url]http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php/[/url] They have a decent range of resin bases, although nothing that blew me away, but they are at least alternatives to some of the others out there. They also sell a variety of other craft supplies, including plasticard, movement trays, basing supplies, and even GW/FW product.
[url]http://blackcatbases.com/[/url] Despite the name they sell more than just bases, although they certainly have a good selection of those; they also do heads, conversion bitz, and especially accessories for figures, like weapons, tools, backpacks, etc.
[url]http://cart.blackorc.com/[/url]Blackorc miniatures, a wide variety of scifi, zombie and fantasy miniatures to choose from.
[url]http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/index.php[/url] Random minis, ton of pirates.
[url]http://blightwheelminiatures.vendder.com/[/url]Adeptus Mechanicus style figures and conversion bitz.
[url]http://www.brother-vinni.com/index_eng.htm[/url]Historical, Steampunk, Post-Apocalyptic miniatures, with a section of women warriors using the power of bulletproof nudity...
[url]http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/[/url] Custom Sculpts and Bits for 40K and Fantasy.
[url]http://www.comfychairgames.com/catalog.php[/url] Mostly a Horror-based Necromunda, but the W.i.l.d.fire robot spider is kewl
[url]http://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/range.php?range=FW[/url] From Gang Warfare to Terrain and historicals. You have to click each link to see the miniantures, though.
[url]http://custom-minis.blogspot.com/[/url]Bits and shoulderpads off of a 3D printer. Looks like he's testing printing up unique models as well.
[url]http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/[/url] Miniatures from George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice, There's plenty of interesting stuff in here, although most of it doesn't quite fit the Warhammer "Heroic Scale" aesthetic.
[url]http://dragonforge.com[/url] More useful for the micro chain and ready to use power cables than anything else.
[url]http://www.ebobminiatures.com/products/tools.htm[/url] Tools, armatures, sculpting media
[url]http://www.ema-models.co.uk/Architectural[/url] and Hobby model parts and supplies, including DC motors and gearboxes
[url]http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/index.html[/url] Not a huge line of stuff and only tiny, tiny pictures available, but their range of metals seems to have some interesting options.
[url]http://www.empressminiatures.com[/url] Some historical and modern figures, very realistic.
[url]http://www.eurekamin.com.au/[/url] They make all kinds of miniatures, including Nazi's riding dinosaurs.
[url]http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/[/url] Do you need plasticard in odd shapes or sizes, or want something patterned, or otherwise odd? This may be the place for you.
[url]http://www.evilmushroomgames.com/new_page_2.htm[/url] Not a huge selection, but some pretty okay bases and a number of interesting terrain pieces.
[url]http://www.ex-illis.com/[/url] Angels and Demons take sides in historical medieval Europe.
[url]http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/index.asp[/url]Fantasy Flight Games, where you can find Anima Tactics, AT-43, Confrontation, and Wings of War miniatures in their store.
[url]http://www.figurines-studio38.com/default.html[/url] Tyranid Spore Pod and their own ranges of figures.
[url]http://www.forgecraftgames.com/catalog/index.php[/url] Perhaps a little smaller than some of the other base manufacturers, but they have a good selection and all of the casts are excellent, both for wargaming and for tabletop minis.
[url]http://www.gamezoneminiatures.de/[/url] A wide range of our 1/5 inch (28 mm) fantasy miniatures.
[url]http://www.grindhousegames.com/[/url] On the one side, we have a weird-WW2 thing with gas-masked allies fighting German monstrosities. On the other side of the site, we have weird robots.
[url]http://www.groundzerogames.net/[/url] I have some of their models, but their online store is hampered by an extreme lack of photos
[url]http://hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/index.php[/url] Great detailed Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Modern miniatures.
[url]http://www.heavy-support.com/[/url] Heavy Support - Not much here, just an alternate Leman Russ/Chimera
[url]http://www.helldorado.fr/figurines/index.php[/url] A French game, but available through some US (and potentially other?) retailers. They have an absolutely gonzo line of models, with everything from Chinese hell-demons to abominations of the pit to Arabic summoners to Victorian mercenaries. No idea how they're scaled, but some very pretty stuff.
[url]http://www.heresyminiatures.com/[/url] For when you need a unique looking miniature for your Inquisitor Reitnu.. Hey, is that David Tennant?
[url]http://hitechminiatures.com/#[/url] Some could-be Grey Knights and Dreadknight here.
[url]http://www.hlj.com/index.html[/url] A lot of mecha and tank parts that are of use to a creative IG or Ork player, so maybe search around a bit.
[url]http://www.hotzmats.com/[/url]Painted felt mats for gaming surfaces, with hex grid option.
[url]http://www.hydraminiatures.com/index.shtml[/url] Buck Rogers-y looking scifi and a line of prehistoric monsters.
[url]http://impactminiatures.com/[/url] Many Blood Bowl-like miniatures and a stand alone game, plus a a rock band of Orcs.
[url]http://www.infinitythegame.com/infinity_ENG/[/url] A standalone futuristic game akin to Necromunda, the models are pretty nice looking but not much cheaper than their 40K equivalents, which has kept me out of the game so far.
[url]http://www.irondogstudios.com/store.html[/url] Some Orky bits and resin bases from the guy who built the Tater Titan
[url]http://www.ironhalo.net/store/catalog/[/url] Another resin base retailer, they do some interesting lines and actually have a quite large selection of stuff. They have a lot of more unusual base sizes including those for Fantasy, War Machine, cavalry, etc.
[url]http://www.kabukimodels.com/[/url] Resin and metal alternate Marine character models and bits, some larger scale models too.
[url]http://www.kerrandking.co.uk/[/url] A nice-looking site in a lot of ways, but awkward to browse through. Still, it's not completely awful and the bases all look rather nice, including a few more unusual types.
[url]http://kingdomdeath.com/[/url]Pin-up adventure babes and some disturbing horror pieces.
[url]http://demoslasercutdesigns.blogspot.com/[/url] Laser Cut buildings and terrain
[url]http://www.lead-adventure.com/[/url]Some Steampunk and Post-Apocalyptic figures plus heads with tophats.
[url]http://www.lostclan.net/Lostclan/Home.html[/url] Home of the infamous Female Cadians, and also a bionics upgrade sprue.
[url]http://www.manticgames.com/[/url] An excellent manufacturer who is not only creeping in on GW's territory but also putting out a game of their own, heavily modeled on WFB. Their undead, elf, and dwarf kits are all very strong and have a decent variety of pieces, poses, etc, not to mention worlds cheaper than GW's kits.
[url]http://shop.masq-mini.de/[/url] Masquerade Miniatures, notable for horror gaming figures and a 'Giant Riding Wolfpack' not-Thunderwolf Cavalry.
[url]http://www.maxmini.eu/store/[/url] A nice little company with a quickly expanding line of conversion bitz as well as a few useful figures; their Thunderwolf is not completely awful, but there's probably better options. They do have a nice IG-scaled bike, though. Their conversion parts are the real treasure, though- they have an extensive line of awesome Ork parts (heads, bodies, bionics, etc) as well as a variety of other weapons, shields, and various upgrade parts.
[url]http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/index.php[/url] Mostly known for their "mechanicus" guard and some cool heads.
[url]http://micropanzer.com/[/url]lots of walker-tanks and sentinel/Tau suit variants in the vehicles, but keep in mind most of the infantry are 15mm, but some are 32mm, suitable fore 40K, etc.
[url]http://www.miniaturescenery.com/[/url] They make hardboard "punch out" scenery. Nax got me onto them recently.
[url]http://www.mrdandy.com/wargamma/[/url] Thunderwolves, bases, etc.
[url]http://mythicast.com/[/url]More Thunderwolves and even Cyberwolves for your Iron Priest
[url]http://www.oldcrowmodels.co.uk/[/url] Manufacturer of near-future/sci-fi models, with a strong emphasis on vehicles, spacecraft, and field works (turrets, walls, scenery, etc).
[url]http://www.otherworld.me.uk/[/url] More Dire Wolves of rideable size, but think D&D art inspired.
[url]http://www.paulsongames.com/resin.html[/url] Another small manufacturer, but does a nice little line of conversion bits.
[url]http://www.perry-miniatures.com/index2.html[/url] A nice historical wargaming company that produces large boxes of figures for fairly cheap; they're mostly useful to Guard players as stand-ins, but be aware of the usual differences in scale between 28mm and heroic.
[url]http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/[/url] Ah, Pig Iron, beloved of Guard players everywhere. Not only do they have their own line of figures, the heads (and much of the other gear) are perfectly fitted for IG models.
[url]http://www.plastruct.com/Pages/USDealers.html[/url] A very nice plasticard company that apparently supplies a rather large percentage of the US, as well as one of the companies I've dealt with personally. They have a PDF catalog with approximately one million different types of plastic in it; if you're willing to dig, chances are you can find what you want. Of note is their fluorescent acrylic rods, which are perfect for Necrons should you, for some reason, decide to hate yourself.
[url]http://privateerpress.com/[/url] Obviously also their own game, but several of the Cryx (Warmachine) miniatures could make good stand-ins for Dark Eldar units and Legion of Everblight (Hordes) provides some interesting possibilities for Tyranid players.
[url]http://pulp-city.com/index.html[/url] Pulp superheroes miniatures. Either you'll be super-excited that these exist and you can buy them or you won't care because they aren't what you need.
[url]http://www.pulpfigures.com/[/url] Just what it says. Nefarious Chinamen! Doofish henchmen! Dashing adventurers! Probably not appropriate for 40K or Fantasy! But still cool!
[url]http://puppetswar.com/[/url]Bases, weapons, miniatures and conversion sets for 40K, incling Twin-linked Autocannon arms and viariant Dreadntought arms.
[url]http://www.quantumgothic.co.uk/[/url] A lot of neat scifi terrain.
[url]http://www.rackham-e.com/en[/url] Makers of several miniatures games including AT-43, a prepainted future game with military gorillas. Let me repeat that: armed gorillas in space are a real thing in this game. If that isn't enough reason for you to be curious, I hate you. Some of their mecha have been converted with reasonable success into Killa Kanz by a number of folks.
[url]http://www.ragingheroes.com/[/url]28mm and 54mm versions of Dark Eldar-ish and Female Commissar character models, nicely detailed with options.
[url]http://www.ramshacklegames.co.uk/nuclear/index.html[/url] Fulfilling that Post-Nuclear/Necromunda/Orky Bitz. Look at their 'Tridlins' for vehicle bitz
[url]http://www.reapermini.com/[/url] If you have ever wanted a figure for your D&D character or fancy monster the PCs are facing, this is the site for you. They have an absolutely enormous range of tagged, searchable models of all manner of heroes and horrors. Their modern and sci-fi lines are much more limited, but there are still possibilities in here. (The Darkspawn in particular could easily be some kind of alien or Tyranid beasties.)
[url]http://www.resinfx.com/[/url] Very detailed resin bases of various kinds, many of them fairly unique. Lots of "scenery" bases that aren't just some bumps on a standard 25mm/40mm circle, so if you're looking for something damn fancy, this may be the place. A little more pricey than most as a consequence, though.
Robogear Model kits - Want some cheap plastic toys to chop up for your conversions? Here's the place.
[url]http://www.sciborminiatures.com/[/url] Can't say for sure, but the pics of the sculpts look amazing. Various minis and parts, very obviously 40K/Fantasy-themed ("celtic space warrior," hrmmmm?) including lots of alternate heads, shields, and breastplates. Also squats.
[url]http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/[/url] Mostly just bases, but a few conversion bitz mixed in (backpacks, helmets, Extra Armor). None of them are ground-breaking surprises, but if you have a specific look in mind for your army you'll probably appreciate another option.
[url]http://www.shadowforge.com.au/[/url] Have I done any Australian companies yet? Here's one with anime-styled figures.
[url]http://www.shapeways.com/shops/customminis[/url] 3D printed miniature bitz and accessories
[url]http://www.smog1888.com/[/url] You know how some games have crazy character models? Smog has a flying doctor with robo-arms and a smoke-belching stove-top hat, oh year. I know absolutely nothing of the game, but the models are perhaps the best thing in the whole world.
[url]http://www.studiomcvey.com/[/url] A small selection of extremely well-sculpted minis, although they're generally just a bit too large to use in 40K. Pretty, though.
[url]http://www.studiominiatures.com/[/url]Zombies, WWII Zombies, 90mm zombies, and survivors of the zombie apocalyse.
[url]http://www.taban-miniatures.com/[/url] Another of the shops I haven't really browsed in extensive depth, they produce a stand-alone game with a vague gladiatorial combat theme.
[url]http://www.tabletop-art.de/[/url]More bits, bases and variant figures for Marine Character models.
[url]http://www.tabletop-world.com/index.php[/url] Fantasy buildings and accessories
[url]https://www.thunderboltmountain.com[/url] Mostly fantasy, but I bought some wolves from them.
[url]http://www.tengumodels.co.uk/index.htm[/url]Grey Aliens, Zombies, and Cthuluhu, oh my...
[url]http://www.tobsen77.de/index.php?lan=en[/url] Vehicles that would look good in an Ork army, or a wooden Steam Tank
[url]http://www.toysoldiersdepot.com/[/url] Cheap plastic off-scale models which could be used for 40K, or as terrain/wrecks/etc.
[url]http://trollforged.com/index.html[/url] Another company I can personally vouch for being pretty excellent. Resin casts of several useful styles of models- Daemons, beasts, definitely-not-Tyranids, and best of all, Guardsmen with greatcoats!
[url]http://www.ultraforgeminiatures.com/[/url] If you aren't going to Avatars of War for your Fantasy needs, you damn well better be going here. Ultraforge specializes in huge, detailed models of monsters like dragons, greater daemons, and the like, and their work is second to none. They also enjoy cult popularity as the makers of an excellent set of wings that can be added to models that are in need of flight, not the least of the Hive Tyrants and Harpies.
[url]http://www.urbanmammoth.co.uk/[/url] I have some of their older models for my Necromunda gangs
[url]http://www.victoryforce.com/[/url] They have a 'Gamer Rules Lawyer' figure, and WWII re-enactors
[url]http://shop.warlordgames.co.uk/[/url] Not sure if these are the same guys as Wargames Factory, but if you want to 40K-ify some historical plastics.
[url]http://www.wargamesfactory.com/webstore[/url] Makers of a variety of plastic kits, all of them competitively-priced compared to the alternatives. Foremost on the list would probably be their zombie and shock trooper kits, but they also have a variety of historical minis that could be integrated into a thematic force of some kind.
[url]http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/asp/nocookie.asp[/url] Lots of miniatures, but not to scale with 40K. Diverse selection, though.
[url]http://www.warploqueminiatures.co.uk/[/url]Fantasy miniatures
[url]http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/[/url] These guys have alternate-future WWII scifi stuff. Some cool mech thingies and neat troops.
[url]http://www.wholesale-miracle-beads.com/25mm-round-flat-back-clear-crystal-glass-cabochon-top-quality[/url] Clear glass bases for your miniatures.
[url]http://wyrd-games.net/shop/home.php[/url] Makers of Malifaux, a very cool-looking game that I unfortunately can't really afford to get into right now. But, like Hell Dorado, they have an awesome line of minis with a style all their own, slightly steampunk with a fantastic twist and some of the dark sensibilities that infuse GW's games.
[url]http://www.zealotminiatures.co.uk[/url] Resin miniatures and bitz, female tau heads, Space Marine scaled Guitars and bionics, etc.
[url]http://www.zombiesmith.com/[/url]zombies, survivors, and more
[url]http://www.zuzzy.com/[/url] Scenery pieces and tabletops almost exclusively- and pretty nice ones, at that. If green felt isn't your thing, give this a look and see if you can't go for something more exotic; I'm told they are rather durable and quite worth the price.
40K Battle Reports, Sisters of Battle, Orks, the rare tactical insight, and any old thing which catches my fancy.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
TSHFT March 5th & 6th Battle Reports
My List:
HQ - Palatine w/5 Celestians w/2 Melta, Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta, Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke
TROOP - 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command w/Autocannon in a Chimera
2 Squads each w/Autocannon in 2 Chimera
3 Heavy Weapon Squads each w/3 Autocannon
FAST - 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator
HEAVY - 2x Exorcist Tank w/Searchlight
HQ - Palatine w/5 Celestians w/2 Melta, Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta, Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke
TROOP - 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command w/Autocannon in a Chimera
2 Squads each w/Autocannon in 2 Chimera
3 Heavy Weapon Squads each w/3 Autocannon
FAST - 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator
HEAVY - 2x Exorcist Tank w/Searchlight
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Battle Report: Feb 5 2011 Oly-NOVA Round 1
The first weekend of February, I drove down to Olympia to try out the NOVA style event run by Purgatus. I knew I’d have a tough row to hoe since the first game was primarily kill points, a type of mission I have historically performed exceptionally poorly at. Compounded with a traffic ticket on the way down, and there goes my discretionary gaming money for three months. >Grump. Sad Panda Face<
Here’s a link to (a link to) the missions:
So, trying to shake that off, I found out the screen on the back of my camera only works AFTER taking a picture. The Horror! I am forced to use the, what’s the term… view finder like our primitive Neolithic ancestors once did. How barbaric! Here’s the least crappy of three pics of my opponents list:
Sisters of Battle vs Sisters of Battle. Low on Kill points too. I’d have to try my best to take him down, but I screwed up in the deployment phase and placed my units (two Autocannon Teams and the empty HQ Transport Immolator) right on the 24” line.
Why this is bad is: I need to cover the distance between me and my opponent as quickly as possible, but I’d just added at least an extra turn (at least) of movement before any of my Immolators driving on would get into range of his units. Especially that big 20 strong squad which will take a lot of shooting to go down, but is 42” away from my board edge. The best thing? This tactical insight coming just AFTER I’d placed my models and let my opponent begin placing his.
Well, at least I had first turn, right? Guess who seized the initiative?
So, here roll on the rest of his forces (with a Callidus Assassin to be placed later) and they proceed to shoot, Immobilizing my centrally placed Immolator and chewing up a unit of Autocannon.
Let’s not forget the Flying Nun, who fortunately was just out of charge range to catapult her even farther forward.
On the Right flank here come the Seraphim, and I forsee another unit of Autocannon going away. I’m psychic like that.
Bottom of one, and I roll on, with absolutely nothing in range, and some minimal plinking by the Autocannon.
Top of two, and the Canoness leapfrogs the lone Autocannon in order to get that Inferno Pistol into 3” or less range.
See, I am psychic! (or is that psychotic…) Lotsa flames equal no more Autocannon.
Exorcist fire wrecks one Immolator, while the Inferno Pistol Immobilizes another, making for the perfect charge with the Blessed Weapon…
…with predictable results.
Bottom of two, and I send some tanks against the Seraphim on my right…
…thinning their ranks a little.
Still a long way to go to threaten the Retributors
And closing range on the Exorsists and Sisters Mob. The Jump Canoness shrugs off Melta abd Bolter fire to succumb to a Multilaser shot which gets past the 2++.
Top of three and the Sisters Mob moves up a little Also, the Callidus turns up.
On the right the Seraphim get up close…
…with Meltabombs, killing all 5 ISTs in one Rhino and damaging the other two vehicles.
A MultiMelta Immolator advances through the woods to cover the advance of a Rhino
And Exorcist shooting plus Melta from the Rhino and Immolator result in this crater-fest
Note the Callidus charging into close combat. My opponent asked why I didn’t use Faith to get the 3++ for my Celestians and I had him look up the entry in the Codex about the C’tan Phase Knife. Ah, the joy of playing someone who doesn’t know their Codex, but still being not enough of a douche to totally exploit their mistakes.
Bottom of three, and I reposition to kill a lot of Seraphim in the shooting phase.
With almost all of my vehicles getting one-shotted out from under me, I advance and set up a kill zone for the MultiMelta Immolator and Rhino in the middle.
On the left I finally get an Immolator close enough to the Exorcists to drop off Melta
Top of Four, and here comes the surviving Seraphim out for revenge..
…with surprising results.
The Sisters Mob in the middle moves forward to unload into one of my tiny squads
In my turn we get time called, but I do manage to damage his other Exorcist. However, he’s so far ahead of me on Kill Points the game definitively goes to him. Kill Point missions have always been my bane, and the next round has Kill Points as a Secondary condition, so I’d better fulfill the Primary condition.
Here’s a link to (a link to) the missions:
So, trying to shake that off, I found out the screen on the back of my camera only works AFTER taking a picture. The Horror! I am forced to use the, what’s the term… view finder like our primitive Neolithic ancestors once did. How barbaric! Here’s the least crappy of three pics of my opponents list:
Sisters of Battle vs Sisters of Battle. Low on Kill points too. I’d have to try my best to take him down, but I screwed up in the deployment phase and placed my units (two Autocannon Teams and the empty HQ Transport Immolator) right on the 24” line.
Why this is bad is: I need to cover the distance between me and my opponent as quickly as possible, but I’d just added at least an extra turn (at least) of movement before any of my Immolators driving on would get into range of his units. Especially that big 20 strong squad which will take a lot of shooting to go down, but is 42” away from my board edge. The best thing? This tactical insight coming just AFTER I’d placed my models and let my opponent begin placing his.
Well, at least I had first turn, right? Guess who seized the initiative?
So, here roll on the rest of his forces (with a Callidus Assassin to be placed later) and they proceed to shoot, Immobilizing my centrally placed Immolator and chewing up a unit of Autocannon.
Let’s not forget the Flying Nun, who fortunately was just out of charge range to catapult her even farther forward.
On the Right flank here come the Seraphim, and I forsee another unit of Autocannon going away. I’m psychic like that.
Bottom of one, and I roll on, with absolutely nothing in range, and some minimal plinking by the Autocannon.
Top of two, and the Canoness leapfrogs the lone Autocannon in order to get that Inferno Pistol into 3” or less range.
See, I am psychic! (or is that psychotic…) Lotsa flames equal no more Autocannon.
Exorcist fire wrecks one Immolator, while the Inferno Pistol Immobilizes another, making for the perfect charge with the Blessed Weapon…
…with predictable results.
Bottom of two, and I send some tanks against the Seraphim on my right…
…thinning their ranks a little.
Still a long way to go to threaten the Retributors
And closing range on the Exorsists and Sisters Mob. The Jump Canoness shrugs off Melta abd Bolter fire to succumb to a Multilaser shot which gets past the 2++.
Top of three and the Sisters Mob moves up a little Also, the Callidus turns up.
On the right the Seraphim get up close…
…with Meltabombs, killing all 5 ISTs in one Rhino and damaging the other two vehicles.
A MultiMelta Immolator advances through the woods to cover the advance of a Rhino
And Exorcist shooting plus Melta from the Rhino and Immolator result in this crater-fest
Note the Callidus charging into close combat. My opponent asked why I didn’t use Faith to get the 3++ for my Celestians and I had him look up the entry in the Codex about the C’tan Phase Knife. Ah, the joy of playing someone who doesn’t know their Codex, but still being not enough of a douche to totally exploit their mistakes.
Bottom of three, and I reposition to kill a lot of Seraphim in the shooting phase.
With almost all of my vehicles getting one-shotted out from under me, I advance and set up a kill zone for the MultiMelta Immolator and Rhino in the middle.
On the left I finally get an Immolator close enough to the Exorcists to drop off Melta
Top of Four, and here comes the surviving Seraphim out for revenge..
…with surprising results.
The Sisters Mob in the middle moves forward to unload into one of my tiny squads
In my turn we get time called, but I do manage to damage his other Exorcist. However, he’s so far ahead of me on Kill Points the game definitively goes to him. Kill Point missions have always been my bane, and the next round has Kill Points as a Secondary condition, so I’d better fulfill the Primary condition.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Immo'rahem Forensic
Here's a copy of my list again:
214 HQ – Canoness w/Book of St Lucius, MeltaBombs incl 5 Celestians w/2 Melta
in an Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
474 ELITE – 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
210 TROOP – 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
565 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command + Al'rahem w/3 Melta in a ML/HF Chimera
2 Squads, each w/Melta & Autocannon, 2 ML/HF Chimeras
2 Special Weapon Squads each w/3 Melta
318 FAST – 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
219 HEAVY – 3x Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
2000 points.
Things which never got used: MeltaBombs on the Canoness, Searchlights on the HQ and Fast attack Immolators.
Things which didn't get used enough: Extra Armor, IG Meltas, Al'rahem's special Orders and Close Combat upgrades (always killed before striking due to Initiatve differences), IG Autocannon, which always lost out on shooting the first two turns at a minimum, and Faith Points, which never got used up all the way to zero.
Distilling the wisdom of the YTTH commenters and Stelek for Game 1:
1 - Start deployed 12" in, with space between the vehicles to exit via the side doors if wrecked. Getting there is everything with Immolators. 1 – Deployment: Probably should have had some units on the board to start. Possibly just the HQ Immolator as close as possible in order to get in a 12" move and flame at the first opportunity.
2 - Most telling phrase: "You have fire support, right?" In this list, no, almost none. Al'rahem Outflanking didn't make up for having Autocannon Heavy Weapon Teams instead.
3 - If de-mech'e early, run forward and threaten with the guns on foot, don't play musical chairs with vehicles.
4 - Drive through Difficult Terrain ONCE, don't risk extra chances at Immobilization.
5 - There are two types of Tau Tanks. Railheads and Decoys. Battlesuits are better targets for Melta than any tank other than a Railhead.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report #2 vs IG:
1 – Grey Knight Terminators: Were they a real threat, or a just a distraction? Even with them Outflanking, I should have ignored the walking points sink and stayed out of charge range playing keepaway.
2 – Deploy 12" in: Getting there is everything. Smoke helped because I made 7 4+ saves out of 9 Penetrating Hits.
3 – Keep Troops moving toward Objectives: Driving the Immolator of ISTs back to deal with GKTs was a mistake. If I'd have kept moving up I'd have been able to swing more Immolators toward the Objective by the Basilisk and burn more Heretics.
4 – No Long Range Fire Support: Nothing to keep stunned Vendetta from flying out of range to recover, and it came back to blow up more vehicles.
5 – Be more agressive with Immolators. Once main threat tanks are gone (Leman Russ) it's better to keep moving 12" and flaming rather than moving 6" and allowing passengers to fire at a reduced range.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 3 vs Blood Angels:
1 – Mission rule interfered with deployment creating weak 1st wave and stronger 2nd wave of Immolators. All the "benefits" of bad deployment with only half the guilt…
2 – No Long Range Fire Support, and therefore no way to silence Predators sitting on the board edge in the center.
3 – Use spacing or Speed to avoid assault multi-charges. TH/SS Termies not as big a threat if they only hit on a 6+ Probably should have ignored after popping the Land Raider.
4 – Target priority, probably should have put more effort and resources into eliminating Baals and Predators, relatively easy killpoints compared to large Assault Squads and TH/SS mini Deathstar.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 4 vs Imperial Fists:
1 – Deployment vs Drop Pods, probably better to 'castle up' and have a tradeoff of guaranteed death in exchange for dropping into Melta range rather than trying to minimize exposure by spreading out.
2 – Deploy as far forward as possible vs. avoiding random midfield barrages by skirting around the sides. Since it was my first Table Quarters mission determined by unit point values, I screwed this one up hard. I should have preserved muy forces and simply abandoned my starting quarter as a lost cause and focused on preserving my forces in order to claim quarters later in the game. Instead I focused on killing units. If I'd run some Immolators on the far side of the hill I'd have forced the Marines on top to move in order to see me and keep their Missile Launcher from firing by forcing him to chase after me.
3 – Should have ran away from Lysander instead of betting on a low probability gamble against him in close combat.
4 – No Long Range Shooting meant the Razorbacks remained unmolested and able to shoot without fear of reprisals for the first two turns.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 5 vs Chaos:
1 – Deployment: Probably should have had some units on the board to start. Possibly just the HQ Immolator as close as possible in order to get in a 12" move and flame at the first opportunity.
2 – Target Priority: The Daemon Prince and Greater Daemon were worth mission points, I should have tried to pour shots into them before they made it to cover.
3 – Dismounting: Before the Thousand Sons made it to the Objective Ruins, I should have dropped off my passengers to get more shots and formed a wall of Immolators moving 12" and flaming to keep them away from the Objective.
Now, let's distill all of that into one list:
1 - Deployment: 12" in/as far forward as possible, getting the most assets closest to the enemy, with enough room to deploy between wrecks if necessary.
2 - Fire Support: 100% Necessary. How to get? Either Exorcists or Inducted IG.
3 - Movement: Full Steam Ahead with Immolators,ff de-mech'd early, run forward and threaten with the guns on foot, don't play musical chairs with vehicles. Use Speed or spacing of units to minimize multi-charges.
4 - Drive through Difficult Terrain ONCE, don't risk extra chances at Immobilization.
5 - Target Priority: Suppression Fire with IG Autocannons (shoot 'em until they can't shoot back & move on to next target). Once main threat tanks are gone (Land Raiders, Leman Russ) it's better to keep moving 12" and flaming rather than moving 6" and allowing passengers to fire at a reduced range.
6 - Decoys: Is that easy to kill unit right in front of you a decoy to keep other units alive longer? Can it be neutralized by just outmaneuvering/keeping away?
7 - Scoring: Keep Objective Grabbing Troops focused on that task. For Kill Points, go after the easier Kill Points and avoid the big juicy Deathstars. For Table Quarters, preserve your forces, run & hide, snipe when you can, and abandon Quarters with pricey Deathstars.
8 - Headology: Interfere with the enemy's plan, put a wall of vehicles/wrecks between him and the Objective, run and hide to deny Kill Points.
Let's see how that applies to this new list I'm taking to Purgatus' NOVA style event this weekend.
190 HQ - Palatine (35) w/Book of St Lucius (5), incl 5 Celestians (65) w/2 Melta (20), Immolator (65)
450 ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians (65) w/2 Melta (20) in an Immolator (65)
240 TROOP - 2x 5 =I= Storm Troopers (50) w/2 Plasma (20) in a Rhino (50)
625 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command (30) w/Autocannon (10) in a Chimera (55)
2 Squads (100) each w/Autocannon (20) in 2 Chimera (110)
4 Heavy Weapon Squads (240) each w/3 Autocannon(60)
300 FAST - 2x 5 Dominions (55) w/2 Melta (20) in an Immolator (65)
195 HEAVY - 3x Immolator Tank (65)
2000 Pts.
214 HQ – Canoness w/Book of St Lucius, MeltaBombs incl 5 Celestians w/2 Melta
in an Immolator w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
474 ELITE – 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
210 TROOP – 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
565 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command + Al'rahem w/3 Melta in a ML/HF Chimera
2 Squads, each w/Melta & Autocannon, 2 ML/HF Chimeras
2 Special Weapon Squads each w/3 Melta
318 FAST – 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
219 HEAVY – 3x Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
2000 points.
Things which never got used: MeltaBombs on the Canoness, Searchlights on the HQ and Fast attack Immolators.
Things which didn't get used enough: Extra Armor, IG Meltas, Al'rahem's special Orders and Close Combat upgrades (always killed before striking due to Initiatve differences), IG Autocannon, which always lost out on shooting the first two turns at a minimum, and Faith Points, which never got used up all the way to zero.
Distilling the wisdom of the YTTH commenters and Stelek for Game 1:
1 - Start deployed 12" in, with space between the vehicles to exit via the side doors if wrecked. Getting there is everything with Immolators. 1 – Deployment: Probably should have had some units on the board to start. Possibly just the HQ Immolator as close as possible in order to get in a 12" move and flame at the first opportunity.
2 - Most telling phrase: "You have fire support, right?" In this list, no, almost none. Al'rahem Outflanking didn't make up for having Autocannon Heavy Weapon Teams instead.
3 - If de-mech'e early, run forward and threaten with the guns on foot, don't play musical chairs with vehicles.
4 - Drive through Difficult Terrain ONCE, don't risk extra chances at Immobilization.
5 - There are two types of Tau Tanks. Railheads and Decoys. Battlesuits are better targets for Melta than any tank other than a Railhead.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report #2 vs IG:
1 – Grey Knight Terminators: Were they a real threat, or a just a distraction? Even with them Outflanking, I should have ignored the walking points sink and stayed out of charge range playing keepaway.
2 – Deploy 12" in: Getting there is everything. Smoke helped because I made 7 4+ saves out of 9 Penetrating Hits.
3 – Keep Troops moving toward Objectives: Driving the Immolator of ISTs back to deal with GKTs was a mistake. If I'd have kept moving up I'd have been able to swing more Immolators toward the Objective by the Basilisk and burn more Heretics.
4 – No Long Range Fire Support: Nothing to keep stunned Vendetta from flying out of range to recover, and it came back to blow up more vehicles.
5 – Be more agressive with Immolators. Once main threat tanks are gone (Leman Russ) it's better to keep moving 12" and flaming rather than moving 6" and allowing passengers to fire at a reduced range.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 3 vs Blood Angels:
1 – Mission rule interfered with deployment creating weak 1st wave and stronger 2nd wave of Immolators. All the "benefits" of bad deployment with only half the guilt…
2 – No Long Range Fire Support, and therefore no way to silence Predators sitting on the board edge in the center.
3 – Use spacing or Speed to avoid assault multi-charges. TH/SS Termies not as big a threat if they only hit on a 6+ Probably should have ignored after popping the Land Raider.
4 – Target priority, probably should have put more effort and resources into eliminating Baals and Predators, relatively easy killpoints compared to large Assault Squads and TH/SS mini Deathstar.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 4 vs Imperial Fists:
1 – Deployment vs Drop Pods, probably better to 'castle up' and have a tradeoff of guaranteed death in exchange for dropping into Melta range rather than trying to minimize exposure by spreading out.
2 – Deploy as far forward as possible vs. avoiding random midfield barrages by skirting around the sides. Since it was my first Table Quarters mission determined by unit point values, I screwed this one up hard. I should have preserved muy forces and simply abandoned my starting quarter as a lost cause and focused on preserving my forces in order to claim quarters later in the game. Instead I focused on killing units. If I'd run some Immolators on the far side of the hill I'd have forced the Marines on top to move in order to see me and keep their Missile Launcher from firing by forcing him to chase after me.
3 – Should have ran away from Lysander instead of betting on a low probability gamble against him in close combat.
4 – No Long Range Shooting meant the Razorbacks remained unmolested and able to shoot without fear of reprisals for the first two turns.
After Action Forensic of Battle Report 5 vs Chaos:
1 – Deployment: Probably should have had some units on the board to start. Possibly just the HQ Immolator as close as possible in order to get in a 12" move and flame at the first opportunity.
2 – Target Priority: The Daemon Prince and Greater Daemon were worth mission points, I should have tried to pour shots into them before they made it to cover.
3 – Dismounting: Before the Thousand Sons made it to the Objective Ruins, I should have dropped off my passengers to get more shots and formed a wall of Immolators moving 12" and flaming to keep them away from the Objective.
Now, let's distill all of that into one list:
1 - Deployment: 12" in/as far forward as possible, getting the most assets closest to the enemy, with enough room to deploy between wrecks if necessary.
2 - Fire Support: 100% Necessary. How to get? Either Exorcists or Inducted IG.
3 - Movement: Full Steam Ahead with Immolators,ff de-mech'd early, run forward and threaten with the guns on foot, don't play musical chairs with vehicles. Use Speed or spacing of units to minimize multi-charges.
4 - Drive through Difficult Terrain ONCE, don't risk extra chances at Immobilization.
5 - Target Priority: Suppression Fire with IG Autocannons (shoot 'em until they can't shoot back & move on to next target). Once main threat tanks are gone (Land Raiders, Leman Russ) it's better to keep moving 12" and flaming rather than moving 6" and allowing passengers to fire at a reduced range.
6 - Decoys: Is that easy to kill unit right in front of you a decoy to keep other units alive longer? Can it be neutralized by just outmaneuvering/keeping away?
7 - Scoring: Keep Objective Grabbing Troops focused on that task. For Kill Points, go after the easier Kill Points and avoid the big juicy Deathstars. For Table Quarters, preserve your forces, run & hide, snipe when you can, and abandon Quarters with pricey Deathstars.
8 - Headology: Interfere with the enemy's plan, put a wall of vehicles/wrecks between him and the Objective, run and hide to deny Kill Points.
Let's see how that applies to this new list I'm taking to Purgatus' NOVA style event this weekend.
190 HQ - Palatine (35) w/Book of St Lucius (5), incl 5 Celestians (65) w/2 Melta (20), Immolator (65)
450 ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians (65) w/2 Melta (20) in an Immolator (65)
240 TROOP - 2x 5 =I= Storm Troopers (50) w/2 Plasma (20) in a Rhino (50)
625 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command (30) w/Autocannon (10) in a Chimera (55)
2 Squads (100) each w/Autocannon (20) in 2 Chimera (110)
4 Heavy Weapon Squads (240) each w/3 Autocannon(60)
300 FAST - 2x 5 Dominions (55) w/2 Melta (20) in an Immolator (65)
195 HEAVY - 3x Immolator Tank (65)
2000 Pts.
Seattle GT Game 5 – Immo’rahem vs Chaos
Seattle GT Game 5 – Immo’rahem vs Chaos
With one win, two losses and a tie under my belt, here I end up on the last row of tables. No way I’ll be taking home an sort of prizes this year. I didn’t in any of the previous years either, so no big whoop. My first day was full of close, hard fought games, but the rules dispute from Game 4 still has me a little rattled. I try to go in with a good outlook, because my opponent has probably had a disappointing run of games as well.
Here’s the Mission:
Here’s my opponent’s army list:
Jeff Bolhassen’s CSM, Seattle GT – Game 5
165 HQ – Daemon Prince w/Mark of Tzeentch, Warp Time, Doom Bolt
100 HQ – Greater Daemon
215 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 5 CombiMelta, 2 Champions each w/ Power Fist
255 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 4 CombiMelta, Reaper Autocannon, 3 Champions each w/ Power Fist
280 TROOP – 7 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, Champion w/ Power Fist
185 TROOP – 6 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster
300 TROOP – 10 Thousand Sons, Sorceror w/ Doom Bolt in a Rhino
225 HEAVY – 3 Obliterators
150 HEAVY – 2 Obliterators
125 HEAVY - Vindicator
Un-optimized Chaos, only two tanks, old Obliterator models on the wrong sized bases, not everything painted… I can tell he’s had a rough time of it, since after we roll for deployment and he wins, he has to look up in the rule book where his deployment zone actually is.
That’s the worst thing about playing on the low tables late in a Tournament. Not the bad luck, crappy deployment which came back to bite you, or less than stellar tactics which got you there, but the opponents who don’t know the rules. I’m used to people not knowing the rules specifically about Sisters, which is why I include them on every army sheet. But when you don’t know the rules for your own army, or even worse the basic game is when the teeth grinding begins.
So he deploys his HQ and 2 Troops right on the mid line…
…with Noise marines in the adjacent building…
…and drives on his Vindicator and Rhino full of Thousand Sons.
At the end of his movement, the Noise marines in the large ruin find the random objective on his first die roll. If he bunkers up with his Terminators and Obliterators I’m screwed.
Bottom of turn 1, and I drive everything (except Al’Rahem’s Outflankers) on…
…and pop smoke.
Top of 2, and he repositions toward the Objective Ruin.
Bottom of 2, and I drive close enough to burn a couple Noise Marines with 2 out of 3 Immolators, but Al’rahem doesn’t show up.
Top of 3, and one of his units of Terminators Mishaps, so I place them as far away from the Objective as I can,
The two units of Obliterators come in spot-on, as does the Greater Daemon which jumps out of the Rhino leaving the Thousand Sons without a Sorceror.
Obliterator Shooting from one unit explodes an Immolator, leaving two Melta Celestians alive in the crater.
Then he opens fire with the other Obliterators, wounding both Celestians.
I sigh, “Well, at least they get a cover save” while reaching for my dice.
“No they don’t.” he says “I shot you with plasma, they’re dead.”
“Craters provide 4+ cover.” I respond.
This then derails the game for five minutes as we look up precisely where in the rule book it says that craters left by exploded vehicles grant a 4+ cover save. (No, I’m not going to tell you the page, look it up yourself) He finally agrees, and I make both armor saves.
Bottom of turn 2, and here comes revenge…
I open fire with the Immolator on top of the felt crater, putting a wound on one unit of Obliterators which went unsaved. To finish them off I shoot with the two Celestians on foot. Both hit, but one rolls a 1 to wound. He starts to remove the wounded model.
“Hey,” I said urbanely, “you have to remove the unwounded model.”
“What? Show me where it says that” he says, while reaching for his rulebook.
OK, I might just possibly, maybe in some parallel universe believe that with only two vehicles in your army you honestly didn’t know craters provide cover, but if you’re trying to tell me that in the four games you’ve already played this weekend, the concept of Instant Death removing unwounded models first never came up even once before now? SERIOUSLY?!?
…which is what I wanted to say, but I managed to hold my tongue for the few minutes it took while he looked up the information.
Another two Meltas took out the other pair of Obliterators, and the Noise marines bunkered down in the Objective passed every save. So, I charged into the last Obliterator and started up a faith tarpit.
Top of turn 3, and here come the last of his reserves
The Terminators open fire into the Immolator right in front of them, blowing it up while killing two ISTs in the process. His Vindicator opens fire, deviates away from the targeted tank, and kills the two Celestians in combat with the Obliterator, which made its invulnerable save.
Bottom of 3, and Al’rahem comes in on the far table edge away from the objective…
…while I drive into the objective to try and evict the Daemon Prince and Noise marines.
The lone Obliterator and Vindicator die to Melta fire, but Noise Marines seem amazingly resistant to flames. I did manage to put two wounds on his Daemon Prince, though.
The Terminators don’t fare too well against IST Plasma, losing three.
Top of four, and it’s time for the Noise Marines, Terminators and Daemon Prince to get up close and personal with some Immolators
The Terminators fail to do anything to the IST Immolator, and the Noise Marines are too interested in engaging the Canoness in combat to harm her ride, but the Dominion Immolator gets ripped in two by the Daemon Prince, and three Dominions fall out.
Bottom of four, and the IG abandoned on the flank manage to kill three Terminators with their shooting, causing them to fail Ld and run towards them (Must be traitor Black Templars)…
…while IST Plasma sees the remaining Terminators off this mortal coil…
…and the empty HQ Immolator fails to Tank Shock the Thousand Sons off the objective while the Canoness prepares for another game of ‘Tarpit’ and combined Melta fire finally sees off the Daemon Prince, and those stubborn Noise Marines somehow manage to pass every cover or armor save that comes their way.
Top of five and the traitor Black Templar jog past the IG…
…as Thousand Sons and the Greater Daemon invade the Objective Ruin.
The Canoness manages to stay alive and tarpit for another round
Bottom of turn five, and the IG shoot flashights at the Terminators until they die
I manage to kill some Noise Marines at last, and a couple Thousand Sons, but with my Chimreas full of Meltas rushing to my aid, this is how it looks at the end of the turn:
We roll to see if the game continues… and it ends. Another tie.
Overall record: One Win, Two Losses, and Two Ties.
Time for the forensic of what worked, and what didn’t. In comments below.
With one win, two losses and a tie under my belt, here I end up on the last row of tables. No way I’ll be taking home an sort of prizes this year. I didn’t in any of the previous years either, so no big whoop. My first day was full of close, hard fought games, but the rules dispute from Game 4 still has me a little rattled. I try to go in with a good outlook, because my opponent has probably had a disappointing run of games as well.
Here’s the Mission:
Here’s my opponent’s army list:
Jeff Bolhassen’s CSM, Seattle GT – Game 5
165 HQ – Daemon Prince w/Mark of Tzeentch, Warp Time, Doom Bolt
100 HQ – Greater Daemon
215 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 5 CombiMelta, 2 Champions each w/ Power Fist
255 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 4 CombiMelta, Reaper Autocannon, 3 Champions each w/ Power Fist
280 TROOP – 7 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, Champion w/ Power Fist
185 TROOP – 6 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster
300 TROOP – 10 Thousand Sons, Sorceror w/ Doom Bolt in a Rhino
225 HEAVY – 3 Obliterators
150 HEAVY – 2 Obliterators
125 HEAVY - Vindicator
Un-optimized Chaos, only two tanks, old Obliterator models on the wrong sized bases, not everything painted… I can tell he’s had a rough time of it, since after we roll for deployment and he wins, he has to look up in the rule book where his deployment zone actually is.
That’s the worst thing about playing on the low tables late in a Tournament. Not the bad luck, crappy deployment which came back to bite you, or less than stellar tactics which got you there, but the opponents who don’t know the rules. I’m used to people not knowing the rules specifically about Sisters, which is why I include them on every army sheet. But when you don’t know the rules for your own army, or even worse the basic game is when the teeth grinding begins.
So he deploys his HQ and 2 Troops right on the mid line…
…with Noise marines in the adjacent building…
…and drives on his Vindicator and Rhino full of Thousand Sons.
At the end of his movement, the Noise marines in the large ruin find the random objective on his first die roll. If he bunkers up with his Terminators and Obliterators I’m screwed.
Bottom of turn 1, and I drive everything (except Al’Rahem’s Outflankers) on…
…and pop smoke.
Top of 2, and he repositions toward the Objective Ruin.
Bottom of 2, and I drive close enough to burn a couple Noise Marines with 2 out of 3 Immolators, but Al’rahem doesn’t show up.
Top of 3, and one of his units of Terminators Mishaps, so I place them as far away from the Objective as I can,
The two units of Obliterators come in spot-on, as does the Greater Daemon which jumps out of the Rhino leaving the Thousand Sons without a Sorceror.
Obliterator Shooting from one unit explodes an Immolator, leaving two Melta Celestians alive in the crater.
Then he opens fire with the other Obliterators, wounding both Celestians.
I sigh, “Well, at least they get a cover save” while reaching for my dice.
“No they don’t.” he says “I shot you with plasma, they’re dead.”
“Craters provide 4+ cover.” I respond.
This then derails the game for five minutes as we look up precisely where in the rule book it says that craters left by exploded vehicles grant a 4+ cover save. (No, I’m not going to tell you the page, look it up yourself) He finally agrees, and I make both armor saves.
Bottom of turn 2, and here comes revenge…
I open fire with the Immolator on top of the felt crater, putting a wound on one unit of Obliterators which went unsaved. To finish them off I shoot with the two Celestians on foot. Both hit, but one rolls a 1 to wound. He starts to remove the wounded model.
“Hey,” I said urbanely, “you have to remove the unwounded model.”
“What? Show me where it says that” he says, while reaching for his rulebook.
OK, I might just possibly, maybe in some parallel universe believe that with only two vehicles in your army you honestly didn’t know craters provide cover, but if you’re trying to tell me that in the four games you’ve already played this weekend, the concept of Instant Death removing unwounded models first never came up even once before now? SERIOUSLY?!?
…which is what I wanted to say, but I managed to hold my tongue for the few minutes it took while he looked up the information.
Another two Meltas took out the other pair of Obliterators, and the Noise marines bunkered down in the Objective passed every save. So, I charged into the last Obliterator and started up a faith tarpit.
Top of turn 3, and here come the last of his reserves
The Terminators open fire into the Immolator right in front of them, blowing it up while killing two ISTs in the process. His Vindicator opens fire, deviates away from the targeted tank, and kills the two Celestians in combat with the Obliterator, which made its invulnerable save.
Bottom of 3, and Al’rahem comes in on the far table edge away from the objective…
…while I drive into the objective to try and evict the Daemon Prince and Noise marines.
The lone Obliterator and Vindicator die to Melta fire, but Noise Marines seem amazingly resistant to flames. I did manage to put two wounds on his Daemon Prince, though.
The Terminators don’t fare too well against IST Plasma, losing three.
Top of four, and it’s time for the Noise Marines, Terminators and Daemon Prince to get up close and personal with some Immolators
The Terminators fail to do anything to the IST Immolator, and the Noise Marines are too interested in engaging the Canoness in combat to harm her ride, but the Dominion Immolator gets ripped in two by the Daemon Prince, and three Dominions fall out.
Bottom of four, and the IG abandoned on the flank manage to kill three Terminators with their shooting, causing them to fail Ld and run towards them (Must be traitor Black Templars)…
…while IST Plasma sees the remaining Terminators off this mortal coil…
…and the empty HQ Immolator fails to Tank Shock the Thousand Sons off the objective while the Canoness prepares for another game of ‘Tarpit’ and combined Melta fire finally sees off the Daemon Prince, and those stubborn Noise Marines somehow manage to pass every cover or armor save that comes their way.
Top of five and the traitor Black Templar jog past the IG…
…as Thousand Sons and the Greater Daemon invade the Objective Ruin.
The Canoness manages to stay alive and tarpit for another round
Bottom of turn five, and the IG shoot flashights at the Terminators until they die
I manage to kill some Noise Marines at last, and a couple Thousand Sons, but with my Chimreas full of Meltas rushing to my aid, this is how it looks at the end of the turn:
We roll to see if the game continues… and it ends. Another tie.
Overall record: One Win, Two Losses, and Two Ties.
Time for the forensic of what worked, and what didn’t. In comments below.
Immo'rahem vs Imperial Fists/Lysander - Seattle GT Game 4
Immo'rahem vs Seattle GT Game 4
Here's the mission we'll be playing:
Here's my opponents army:
Jason Marcel’s Imperial Fists – Seattle GT Game 4
200 HQ – Lysander
100 HQ – Librarian w/ Avenger, Null Zone
360 ELITE – 10 Sternguard w/2 Melta, 5 CombiMelta, 2 CombiFlamers, 1 CombiMelta & Power Fist in a Drop Pod (Lysander Accompanies)
250 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Plasmagun & Missile Launcher, Sgt w/ Power Fist & CombiPlasma in a Drop Pod
260 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Flamer & Missile Launcher, Sgt w/ Power Weapon in a Razorback w/ TL Assault Cannon (Librarian accompanies Flamer& Sgt Combat Squad in Razorback )
300 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Plasmagun & Lascannon, Sgt w/ Power Fist & CombiPlasma in a Razorback w/ TL Lascannon
110 TROOP – 5 Scouts, Sgt w/ Power Fist & Combi Melta
65 FAST – Land Speeder Storm w/ MultiMelta (transports Scouts)
270 HEAVY – 10 Devastators w/ 2 lascannon, 2 Missile Launchers, Sgt w/ Signum
85 HEAVY – Whirlwind
He went on to win the Players Choice award. I guess people like yellow…
Jeff Bolhassen’s CSM, Seattle GT – Game 5
165 HQ – Daemon Prince w/Mark of Tzeentch, Warp Time, Doom Bolt
100 HQ – Greater Daemon
215 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 5 CombiMelta, 2 Champions each w/ Power Fist
255 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 4 CombiMelta, Reaper Autocannon, 3 Champions each w/ Power Fist
280 TROOP – 7 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, Champion w/ Power Fist in a Rhino
185 TROOP – 6 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster
300 TROOP – 10 Thousand Sons, Sorceror w/ Doom Bolt
225 HEAVY – 3 Obliterators
150 HEAVY – 2 Obliterators
125 HEAVY – Vindicator
He won the roll to set up first, and here's his set-up of combat-squadded everything shooty in the ruins, and the Librarian joining one of the fighty squads in the Razorbacks.
Here's a view of the board, and my corner in the upper left.
Anything about the terrain stand out as unusual to you? Anything at all?
Time for my long-promised rant on terrain.
I've been playing at the Seattle GT since before it was a GT. Back at the beginning, the 40K was run by the guys from The Game Matrix in Tacoma. A great store I've been a patron of through at least two moves, and their current location has a large gaming area where bigger event such as 'Ard Boyz can be comfortably accommodated. A lot of effort has gone into building interesting theme boards, and the dedication to making it look good shows. However, looking good isn't everything. The terrain has to be useful in games as well.
One of the theme terrain tables everyone learned to dread playing on was the Lava table. It looked beautiful, but had an amazing flaw. You could only win from one side. That side featured the largest unbroken flat expanse which took up the middle 50% of one table edge, and narrowed as it extended just past the center. The majority of the table was broken into areas a Land Raider would just barely fit on, or smaller, divided up with trenches of glowing Difficult and Dangerous terrain running everywhere like a spiderweb. The player setting up on the opposite table edge had to deploy as best he could in this crazy quilt zone, while the player with the 'good' side invariably castled up in the middle and waited for the opponent to slowly cross the intervening hell-scape, shooting them all the way. I even played a game on this board in a tournament where I had Footslogging Orks on the 'bad' edge, while my opponent had all-skimmer and Jetbike Eldar. It made for a quick, but unfun, 45 minutes of me putting models off the table and back in their carrying case. Eventually the board stopped being used for 40K, and the last I saw it was around three years ago when it was brought out for a Flames of War tournament, and at an 'Ard Boyz semi-finals.
Those last three years have also had "some" politics and issues surrounding the Seattle GT. The event organizer for the convention as a whole has a bad reputation due to canceling some events at very short notice (this years Seattle GT was almost among that list), plus there's the video of cheating at the top table last year (no, it says in the book you can't take a cover save against Death or Glory from Tank Shock…), and shenanigans of playing with one army, but putting out different units for the paint judging in years past. This has led to many local game stores unwilling to lend any support of prizes, loaning terrain, or volunteers in a spiral of guilt by association. Only some favors called in and arm-twisting by the people running the Seattle GT (with less than two weeks lead time, IIRC) got the support from other stores in Gig Harbor and some area Games Workshops to send more terrain.
The situation is what it is, and reality has to be dealt with not as you wish it would be, but instead with what actually exists. This means expect not getting a cover save unless you bring it along yourself (KFF, Shield of Sanguinius, screening units) and more advantage going to forces which excel at longer range shooting. That's why I insisted on Smoke Launchers on my Immolators because I knew from past experience there would be practically no impediments to line of sight until later in the game when unit movements had 'muddied the waters' a little.
Now, let's take a look at that terrain again:
My opponent chose his deployment extremely well. His Land Speeder Storm is ready to turbo-scout anywhere on the board, his on-foot shooty section has a commanding overview of the midfield, even with the all-game Night Fight from the scenario, and with a Drop Pod of Lysander and Sternguard coming in Turn 1 he'll have Melta in my face from the word "go". The factory ruin in my corner of the board even blocks off critical real estate I'd prefer to set up in, forcing me to have an even longer slog through the random explosions in the midfield. So neither the terrain, the mission, or my opponent are going to make this easy.
So, I'm considering my deployment and he asks how we should define the terrain. I say the standard "Everything Difficult Terrain, with a 4+ cover save". He agrees and adds "…and the tops of the hills are Level 2."
>insert scratching record sound here<
With the benefit of 20-20 hindsight, let's pause and open the rule book to page 85. The section on Template Weapons. Specifically, the bit about them only being able to target models on the same level as the firer, or one level higher or lower. Still no big deal, right? That's what I assumed too. And you know what happens when you assume…
The problem is that Americans and British are divided by a common language. What I thought my opponent meant by "Level 2" is not what the rules designers back in Ol' Blighty mean by "Level 2". Looking at Page 85 in the rule book again, there's a picture which shows three Genestealers on the top floor, two on the middle floor, and one on the bottom floor, and a Marine with a Flamer. The text underneath says"The middle level is declared the target of the flamer and therefore only two Genestealers are hit. Note that the top level is not a valid target as it is too high up".
Now what level is that?
If you're American, you'd say that the lone Genestealer is on the first level, or Level 1, two are on Level 2, and those three Genestealers are on the third level of the ruin, Level 3. If you're British, you'd say the one Genestealer is on the Ground Level, two are on Level 1, and those three at the top are on Level 2. So, because the hills are made of 2 pieces of 2" thick foam, making them 4" tall, my opponent wants me to believe that half the terrain on the table will render him immune to over 80% of all my vehicles shooting.
These nuances slipped by me at the time, because I was thinking about how to best deploy my army to both weather the Lysander-Sternguad Drop Pod and not bunch up all my tanks to make an impassable wall of wrecks either to the left or right of the Factory Ruin blocking my deployment area. I figured a 3 x 3 grid of Immolators would make the front three too likely to stall my later movement, so I set up like this instead:
He makes his Scout move:
I fail to seize the initiative, so here comes Lysander's Drop Pod, targeted to go between two rows of Immolators, but deviating 9" and landing on top of the hill instead, combat squadding upon exit, supported by the Scout Speeder.
Melta shots rain down, and only the front Immolator is Immobilized with its turret blown off, the center survives unscathed, and here the scouts are about to give the IST Immy a Krak enema, which will cause it to explode.
Bottom of turn one, and I'm put on my back foot already. I drive the untouched Immolator out to the midfield, swing two Immolators from the center over to take on Lysander, and drive the three on my right flank towards the shooty Marines stronghold. I forget to take a picture of this, and as I lay my first template down on the Sternguard, the "Level 2" issue comes up.
The paragraphs above explain the problem, but it came down to the fact I was not going to allow poor terrain availability to have such a large disproportionate unbalancing impact on the game. No. Way. In. Hell. were the words I said.
My shooting manages to blow up the drop Pod, kill several Marines (but not a full Combat Squad, unfortunately) and put a wound on Lysander. Moving on to the top of turn 2, one of those "wacky fun" scenario rules explodes one of my Immolators, as my opponent brings in the second Drop Pod full of Tactical Marines.
While he deployed, I got a view from around on his table edge of Lysander's King of the Hill set-up.
Here's what he managed to pull off: Blowing up the HQ Immolator, killing 1, shooting the turret off of the Immolator with the corner just barely poking up at the bottom of the frame, and shooting from his dug-in Marines at the Factory Ruin wrecking an Immolator of Celestians.
Bottom of turn 2, and here comes Al'rahem from reserve. I would have preferred him to come in on the other table edge, but you gets what you gets.
Here are my forces advancing to try and take out the Marines on the hill. After shooting, they're still there.
A whole lot of shooting, and a whole lot of cover and armor saves later, i've managed to whittle the marines down a little. Very little. On the plus side I did rid myself of that Land Speeder and pop open the Razorback with the Librarian riding along. On th eminus side, the Scouts pop open an Immolator, killing three and pinning the survivors.
Top of turn 3, and Lysanders killed the last two ISTs, two fleeing Sternguard with flamers say "hi" to Al'rahem as they pass, and the librarian decides to go it solo and leave Al'tahem to the Combat Squad.
View from above of the Marines moving to clean up my starting table quarter…
…even just firing pistols so they can charge my Canoness.
Even with all-game Night Fight, the Marines shoot extremely well, but the marines closest to the middle move to charge into close combat instead.
Ok, count the charges… the two Marines who flamed all of Al'rahem's squad from around her don't count.
…with the predictable aftermath:
Bottom of turn three (is that all it is?) and things look pretty bleak for me near Ye Old Imperial Fist Shooting Emporium…
Because we'd used up so much time debating the hills being invulnerable to flamers before I put my foot down, this is where the game ended. As you can see, he was well on his way to tabling me so it's no wonder that he was victorious, securing three table quarters to my one. Score was 18 to 5.
When he was filling out the scoring sheet I was honestly surprised he gave me 5 out of 6 for Sportsmanship, the same score I gave him. He played quite well, and the scenario favored him, as it would any army with a good long ranged core, especially since I had no realistic alternative to crossing the midfield of random explosions to get into effective range with him. In the final total, it was my models alone which bore the bunt of those blasts. He was positioned to keep his shooty elements out of range, and engage with his assault elements outside
Here's the mission we'll be playing:
Here's my opponents army:
Jason Marcel’s Imperial Fists – Seattle GT Game 4
200 HQ – Lysander
100 HQ – Librarian w/ Avenger, Null Zone
360 ELITE – 10 Sternguard w/2 Melta, 5 CombiMelta, 2 CombiFlamers, 1 CombiMelta & Power Fist in a Drop Pod (Lysander Accompanies)
250 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Plasmagun & Missile Launcher, Sgt w/ Power Fist & CombiPlasma in a Drop Pod
260 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Flamer & Missile Launcher, Sgt w/ Power Weapon in a Razorback w/ TL Assault Cannon (Librarian accompanies Flamer& Sgt Combat Squad in Razorback )
300 TROOP – 10 Marines w/ Plasmagun & Lascannon, Sgt w/ Power Fist & CombiPlasma in a Razorback w/ TL Lascannon
110 TROOP – 5 Scouts, Sgt w/ Power Fist & Combi Melta
65 FAST – Land Speeder Storm w/ MultiMelta (transports Scouts)
270 HEAVY – 10 Devastators w/ 2 lascannon, 2 Missile Launchers, Sgt w/ Signum
85 HEAVY – Whirlwind
He went on to win the Players Choice award. I guess people like yellow…
Jeff Bolhassen’s CSM, Seattle GT – Game 5
165 HQ – Daemon Prince w/Mark of Tzeentch, Warp Time, Doom Bolt
100 HQ – Greater Daemon
215 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 5 CombiMelta, 2 Champions each w/ Power Fist
255 ELITE – 5 Terminators w/ 4 CombiMelta, Reaper Autocannon, 3 Champions each w/ Power Fist
280 TROOP – 7 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, Champion w/ Power Fist in a Rhino
185 TROOP – 6 Noise Marines w/ 5 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster
300 TROOP – 10 Thousand Sons, Sorceror w/ Doom Bolt
225 HEAVY – 3 Obliterators
150 HEAVY – 2 Obliterators
125 HEAVY – Vindicator
He won the roll to set up first, and here's his set-up of combat-squadded everything shooty in the ruins, and the Librarian joining one of the fighty squads in the Razorbacks.
Here's a view of the board, and my corner in the upper left.
Anything about the terrain stand out as unusual to you? Anything at all?
Time for my long-promised rant on terrain.
I've been playing at the Seattle GT since before it was a GT. Back at the beginning, the 40K was run by the guys from The Game Matrix in Tacoma. A great store I've been a patron of through at least two moves, and their current location has a large gaming area where bigger event such as 'Ard Boyz can be comfortably accommodated. A lot of effort has gone into building interesting theme boards, and the dedication to making it look good shows. However, looking good isn't everything. The terrain has to be useful in games as well.
One of the theme terrain tables everyone learned to dread playing on was the Lava table. It looked beautiful, but had an amazing flaw. You could only win from one side. That side featured the largest unbroken flat expanse which took up the middle 50% of one table edge, and narrowed as it extended just past the center. The majority of the table was broken into areas a Land Raider would just barely fit on, or smaller, divided up with trenches of glowing Difficult and Dangerous terrain running everywhere like a spiderweb. The player setting up on the opposite table edge had to deploy as best he could in this crazy quilt zone, while the player with the 'good' side invariably castled up in the middle and waited for the opponent to slowly cross the intervening hell-scape, shooting them all the way. I even played a game on this board in a tournament where I had Footslogging Orks on the 'bad' edge, while my opponent had all-skimmer and Jetbike Eldar. It made for a quick, but unfun, 45 minutes of me putting models off the table and back in their carrying case. Eventually the board stopped being used for 40K, and the last I saw it was around three years ago when it was brought out for a Flames of War tournament, and at an 'Ard Boyz semi-finals.
Those last three years have also had "some" politics and issues surrounding the Seattle GT. The event organizer for the convention as a whole has a bad reputation due to canceling some events at very short notice (this years Seattle GT was almost among that list), plus there's the video of cheating at the top table last year (no, it says in the book you can't take a cover save against Death or Glory from Tank Shock…), and shenanigans of playing with one army, but putting out different units for the paint judging in years past. This has led to many local game stores unwilling to lend any support of prizes, loaning terrain, or volunteers in a spiral of guilt by association. Only some favors called in and arm-twisting by the people running the Seattle GT (with less than two weeks lead time, IIRC) got the support from other stores in Gig Harbor and some area Games Workshops to send more terrain.
The situation is what it is, and reality has to be dealt with not as you wish it would be, but instead with what actually exists. This means expect not getting a cover save unless you bring it along yourself (KFF, Shield of Sanguinius, screening units) and more advantage going to forces which excel at longer range shooting. That's why I insisted on Smoke Launchers on my Immolators because I knew from past experience there would be practically no impediments to line of sight until later in the game when unit movements had 'muddied the waters' a little.
Now, let's take a look at that terrain again:
My opponent chose his deployment extremely well. His Land Speeder Storm is ready to turbo-scout anywhere on the board, his on-foot shooty section has a commanding overview of the midfield, even with the all-game Night Fight from the scenario, and with a Drop Pod of Lysander and Sternguard coming in Turn 1 he'll have Melta in my face from the word "go". The factory ruin in my corner of the board even blocks off critical real estate I'd prefer to set up in, forcing me to have an even longer slog through the random explosions in the midfield. So neither the terrain, the mission, or my opponent are going to make this easy.
So, I'm considering my deployment and he asks how we should define the terrain. I say the standard "Everything Difficult Terrain, with a 4+ cover save". He agrees and adds "…and the tops of the hills are Level 2."
>insert scratching record sound here<
With the benefit of 20-20 hindsight, let's pause and open the rule book to page 85. The section on Template Weapons. Specifically, the bit about them only being able to target models on the same level as the firer, or one level higher or lower. Still no big deal, right? That's what I assumed too. And you know what happens when you assume…
The problem is that Americans and British are divided by a common language. What I thought my opponent meant by "Level 2" is not what the rules designers back in Ol' Blighty mean by "Level 2". Looking at Page 85 in the rule book again, there's a picture which shows three Genestealers on the top floor, two on the middle floor, and one on the bottom floor, and a Marine with a Flamer. The text underneath says"The middle level is declared the target of the flamer and therefore only two Genestealers are hit. Note that the top level is not a valid target as it is too high up".
Now what level is that?
If you're American, you'd say that the lone Genestealer is on the first level, or Level 1, two are on Level 2, and those three Genestealers are on the third level of the ruin, Level 3. If you're British, you'd say the one Genestealer is on the Ground Level, two are on Level 1, and those three at the top are on Level 2. So, because the hills are made of 2 pieces of 2" thick foam, making them 4" tall, my opponent wants me to believe that half the terrain on the table will render him immune to over 80% of all my vehicles shooting.
These nuances slipped by me at the time, because I was thinking about how to best deploy my army to both weather the Lysander-Sternguad Drop Pod and not bunch up all my tanks to make an impassable wall of wrecks either to the left or right of the Factory Ruin blocking my deployment area. I figured a 3 x 3 grid of Immolators would make the front three too likely to stall my later movement, so I set up like this instead:
He makes his Scout move:
I fail to seize the initiative, so here comes Lysander's Drop Pod, targeted to go between two rows of Immolators, but deviating 9" and landing on top of the hill instead, combat squadding upon exit, supported by the Scout Speeder.
Melta shots rain down, and only the front Immolator is Immobilized with its turret blown off, the center survives unscathed, and here the scouts are about to give the IST Immy a Krak enema, which will cause it to explode.
Bottom of turn one, and I'm put on my back foot already. I drive the untouched Immolator out to the midfield, swing two Immolators from the center over to take on Lysander, and drive the three on my right flank towards the shooty Marines stronghold. I forget to take a picture of this, and as I lay my first template down on the Sternguard, the "Level 2" issue comes up.
The paragraphs above explain the problem, but it came down to the fact I was not going to allow poor terrain availability to have such a large disproportionate unbalancing impact on the game. No. Way. In. Hell. were the words I said.
My shooting manages to blow up the drop Pod, kill several Marines (but not a full Combat Squad, unfortunately) and put a wound on Lysander. Moving on to the top of turn 2, one of those "wacky fun" scenario rules explodes one of my Immolators, as my opponent brings in the second Drop Pod full of Tactical Marines.
While he deployed, I got a view from around on his table edge of Lysander's King of the Hill set-up.
Here's what he managed to pull off: Blowing up the HQ Immolator, killing 1, shooting the turret off of the Immolator with the corner just barely poking up at the bottom of the frame, and shooting from his dug-in Marines at the Factory Ruin wrecking an Immolator of Celestians.
Bottom of turn 2, and here comes Al'rahem from reserve. I would have preferred him to come in on the other table edge, but you gets what you gets.
Here are my forces advancing to try and take out the Marines on the hill. After shooting, they're still there.
A whole lot of shooting, and a whole lot of cover and armor saves later, i've managed to whittle the marines down a little. Very little. On the plus side I did rid myself of that Land Speeder and pop open the Razorback with the Librarian riding along. On th eminus side, the Scouts pop open an Immolator, killing three and pinning the survivors.
Top of turn 3, and Lysanders killed the last two ISTs, two fleeing Sternguard with flamers say "hi" to Al'rahem as they pass, and the librarian decides to go it solo and leave Al'tahem to the Combat Squad.
View from above of the Marines moving to clean up my starting table quarter…
…even just firing pistols so they can charge my Canoness.
Even with all-game Night Fight, the Marines shoot extremely well, but the marines closest to the middle move to charge into close combat instead.
Ok, count the charges… the two Marines who flamed all of Al'rahem's squad from around her don't count.
…with the predictable aftermath:
Bottom of turn three (is that all it is?) and things look pretty bleak for me near Ye Old Imperial Fist Shooting Emporium…
Because we'd used up so much time debating the hills being invulnerable to flamers before I put my foot down, this is where the game ended. As you can see, he was well on his way to tabling me so it's no wonder that he was victorious, securing three table quarters to my one. Score was 18 to 5.
When he was filling out the scoring sheet I was honestly surprised he gave me 5 out of 6 for Sportsmanship, the same score I gave him. He played quite well, and the scenario favored him, as it would any army with a good long ranged core, especially since I had no realistic alternative to crossing the midfield of random explosions to get into effective range with him. In the final total, it was my models alone which bore the bunt of those blasts. He was positioned to keep his shooty elements out of range, and engage with his assault elements outside
Seattle GT Game 3 – Immo'rahem vs Blood Angels
Seattle GT Game 3 – Immo'rahem vs Blood Angels
Rachel Cirrocone’s Blood Angel list:
125 HQ – Librarian in Terminator Armor w/ Shield of Sanguinius & Unleash Rage
250 ELITE – 2 Furioso Dreads w Blood Talons, Meltagun, Stormbolter
455 ELITE – 5 TH/SS Terminators, Sergeant w/ Lighting Claws in a Land Raider Redeemer w/ MultiMelta (affected by Red Thirst)
420 TROOP 2 units of 10 Assault Marines w/ 2 Melta (Deep Striking)
435 FAST – 3 Baal Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons
300 HEAVY – 3 Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons
Here's the scenario:
So, you see that whole "Confusion" rule? It meant that on a 4+ a unit just sits there for the first turn. If it moves on from the table edge, it stops as soon as it's fully on the board. Not "drive in 12 inches and stop" but rear armor on the board edge.
So, my deployment driving on the first turn wasn't this:
…instead it was this:
Rachel's deployment didn't suffer quite as badly
Top of turn 2, and look who shows up? Al'rahem on the left flank. The IG Squads are blobbed up, since it's a Kill points mission. Their Autocannon fire doesn't accomplish much of anything during the game, so this is the last you'll see of them.
The IG meltas manage to Immobilize a Baal Predator and blow off its turret even through the smoke, and shake a Predator as well. Unfortunately, the shots into the Furioso did nothing but confirm that, yes, it was in charge range next turn.
Bottom of two, and Rachel Deep Stikes an Assault Squad well away from harm…
…and in the shooting phase gets off a 6" run with them.
Rachel placed counters by her vehicles to remind her to move and shoot with them. On the left, a Furioso prepares to slice into the Special Weapon Squad who shot it last turn. Combined shooting from the Baals and Predators wreck the Canoness' Immolator allowing two more to fall to Assault cannon shots, and wounding the Canoness.
In the assault phase, the Furioso gets off a multicharge against Al'rahem's Chimera and the Special Weapons Team.
Top of turn three, and here comes the Meltas up against the BA parking lot. The Librarian has Shield of Sanguinius up, so everything within 6" of the Land Raider gets a 5+ cover save. Yep, you guessed it… if a shot hit and penetrated, it made that 5+ save, so this is ALSO the picture of the end of my shooting phase.
Although the Furioso did mange to Immobilize Al'rahem's Chimera, three Meltas still inside blew off the arm with the Meltagun in return. Meanwhile the Special Weapon Squad in the Chimera at the bottom of the picture advanced and blew up the turret-less Baal Predator while the other Chimera moved to get some side shots with its Mulitlaser, managing to wreck the Predator.
Bottom of three, and here come the rest of the Assault Marines Deep Striking in.
The other Furioso prepares to get up close and personal with an Immolator filled with Dominions. It missed with its Melta shot, and proceeded to do its cuisinart impression on the hull with its Blood Talons, failing to do anything.
The Chimera at the top got its turret blown off by Blood Angel shooting, while the Land raider Redeemer intends to burn some Sisters. If only they didn't have that pesky 3++ save… not a single model removed.
Top of turn four, and here's the situation: The Furioso on the left failed to do anything to the Chimera in close combat, and so is Melta bait. The Chimera on the hill is about to target the Predators behind the hill, the Land Raider Redeemer isn't happy with so many Meltas so close, the other Furioso is holding a 'Melta Me' sign in front of the other three Predators…
…while Dominions are driving up to engage the Assault Marines in the rear quarter while two IST filled Immolators intercept the other Assault Squad. I think how well I do in this game depends entirely on how much I can kill in this round.
IG Meltas blow up the Furioso and Baal Predator on the left, but Multilaser shots into the remaining Predator fail to accomplish much. In brighter news, the Land Raider gets cracked open, killing a TH/SS Terminator and wounding the Canoness in the explosion, but the remaining shooing does nothing to harm the Terminators.
Both Dominon Meltas miss the Predator in the rear quarter while the Immolator only kills off one Assault Marine. Both IST Immolators only kill one Assault Marine in the other squad with their Flame templates. And then, the four Plasmaguns inside rapid fire with the following results:
So, overall a good turn, but not as great as I'd hoped. You remember that "Melta Me' sign the Furioso was holding? Seems it absorbed the Melta shots since none manged to hit the Dreadnought.
Bottom of Four, and here comes the Beatstick, in the form of the previously Plasma'd Assault Squad…
…some Terminators who want to get off a big, juicy multicharge…
…and a Furioso and Assault Squad who want to see what's inside those Immolators.
In the shooting phase, two of the remaining Predators manage to Immobilize one IST Immolator while shaking them both…
…while the third Predator shoots past the Dread to Immobilise the Furioso's target…
…but the fourth, sidling closer to its friends, does not manage to cause any damage to the Melta-laden Chimera in the hill.
Here comes the Terminator Multicharge against a small group of Sisters with a 3++, as much good as that will do them…
…but the Canoness survives, pulling those Thunderhammers away from the Fast-moving Immolators they knocked a turret off of, as they Immobilized the other. Odds are she won't survive another turn.
Assault Marines charge the Immobile IST Immolator…
…and whiff completely as the Furioso manages to blow up the Immolator, exposing the four surviving Celestians (and their two Meltas) in the resulting crater. The other Assault Marines managed to kill all the Dominions in the explosion of their Immolator.
Top of turn five, and the turretless, shaken Immolator drops off its cargo of Celestians directly into the rear arc of a Predator (who blow it up), as a Furioso is turned into a wreck in the sights of two Meltas
Plasma shots kill two assault marines, but the lone survivor isn't bothered by that at all. Meanwhile, in the assault phase the Canoness succumbs to the Terminators in close combat.
Bottom of turn five, and the predators drive forward as the Assault marines move out of the rear quarter to engage the Celestians still stunned from exploding a Predator.
The Librarian leads the Terminators against the IG Special Weapon team, for they are crunchy, and good with milk…
…and here the Terminators charge in…
…and kill all of the Special Weapon Squad, but fail to hit the fast-moving Chimeras at all.
The lone Assault Marine Meltas open an Immolator to find three ISTs conveniently within charge range…
…only to die after slaughtering just one of the ISTs.
This is where the game ends, and Rachel wins, 9 Kill Points to 7. This sees me at the end of day one with one win, one loss, and one tie, and 33 out of 60 possible Battle Points. I go out to dinner with friends, head home to sleep and return for the next day of games.
Rachel Cirrocone’s Blood Angel list:
125 HQ – Librarian in Terminator Armor w/ Shield of Sanguinius & Unleash Rage
250 ELITE – 2 Furioso Dreads w Blood Talons, Meltagun, Stormbolter
455 ELITE – 5 TH/SS Terminators, Sergeant w/ Lighting Claws in a Land Raider Redeemer w/ MultiMelta (affected by Red Thirst)
420 TROOP 2 units of 10 Assault Marines w/ 2 Melta (Deep Striking)
435 FAST – 3 Baal Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons
300 HEAVY – 3 Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons
Here's the scenario:
So, you see that whole "Confusion" rule? It meant that on a 4+ a unit just sits there for the first turn. If it moves on from the table edge, it stops as soon as it's fully on the board. Not "drive in 12 inches and stop" but rear armor on the board edge.
So, my deployment driving on the first turn wasn't this:
…instead it was this:
Rachel's deployment didn't suffer quite as badly
Top of turn 2, and look who shows up? Al'rahem on the left flank. The IG Squads are blobbed up, since it's a Kill points mission. Their Autocannon fire doesn't accomplish much of anything during the game, so this is the last you'll see of them.
The IG meltas manage to Immobilize a Baal Predator and blow off its turret even through the smoke, and shake a Predator as well. Unfortunately, the shots into the Furioso did nothing but confirm that, yes, it was in charge range next turn.
Bottom of two, and Rachel Deep Stikes an Assault Squad well away from harm…
…and in the shooting phase gets off a 6" run with them.
Rachel placed counters by her vehicles to remind her to move and shoot with them. On the left, a Furioso prepares to slice into the Special Weapon Squad who shot it last turn. Combined shooting from the Baals and Predators wreck the Canoness' Immolator allowing two more to fall to Assault cannon shots, and wounding the Canoness.
In the assault phase, the Furioso gets off a multicharge against Al'rahem's Chimera and the Special Weapons Team.
Top of turn three, and here comes the Meltas up against the BA parking lot. The Librarian has Shield of Sanguinius up, so everything within 6" of the Land Raider gets a 5+ cover save. Yep, you guessed it… if a shot hit and penetrated, it made that 5+ save, so this is ALSO the picture of the end of my shooting phase.
Although the Furioso did mange to Immobilize Al'rahem's Chimera, three Meltas still inside blew off the arm with the Meltagun in return. Meanwhile the Special Weapon Squad in the Chimera at the bottom of the picture advanced and blew up the turret-less Baal Predator while the other Chimera moved to get some side shots with its Mulitlaser, managing to wreck the Predator.
Bottom of three, and here come the rest of the Assault Marines Deep Striking in.
The other Furioso prepares to get up close and personal with an Immolator filled with Dominions. It missed with its Melta shot, and proceeded to do its cuisinart impression on the hull with its Blood Talons, failing to do anything.
The Chimera at the top got its turret blown off by Blood Angel shooting, while the Land raider Redeemer intends to burn some Sisters. If only they didn't have that pesky 3++ save… not a single model removed.
Top of turn four, and here's the situation: The Furioso on the left failed to do anything to the Chimera in close combat, and so is Melta bait. The Chimera on the hill is about to target the Predators behind the hill, the Land Raider Redeemer isn't happy with so many Meltas so close, the other Furioso is holding a 'Melta Me' sign in front of the other three Predators…
…while Dominions are driving up to engage the Assault Marines in the rear quarter while two IST filled Immolators intercept the other Assault Squad. I think how well I do in this game depends entirely on how much I can kill in this round.
IG Meltas blow up the Furioso and Baal Predator on the left, but Multilaser shots into the remaining Predator fail to accomplish much. In brighter news, the Land Raider gets cracked open, killing a TH/SS Terminator and wounding the Canoness in the explosion, but the remaining shooing does nothing to harm the Terminators.
Both Dominon Meltas miss the Predator in the rear quarter while the Immolator only kills off one Assault Marine. Both IST Immolators only kill one Assault Marine in the other squad with their Flame templates. And then, the four Plasmaguns inside rapid fire with the following results:
So, overall a good turn, but not as great as I'd hoped. You remember that "Melta Me' sign the Furioso was holding? Seems it absorbed the Melta shots since none manged to hit the Dreadnought.
Bottom of Four, and here comes the Beatstick, in the form of the previously Plasma'd Assault Squad…
…some Terminators who want to get off a big, juicy multicharge…
…and a Furioso and Assault Squad who want to see what's inside those Immolators.
In the shooting phase, two of the remaining Predators manage to Immobilize one IST Immolator while shaking them both…
…while the third Predator shoots past the Dread to Immobilise the Furioso's target…
…but the fourth, sidling closer to its friends, does not manage to cause any damage to the Melta-laden Chimera in the hill.
Here comes the Terminator Multicharge against a small group of Sisters with a 3++, as much good as that will do them…
…but the Canoness survives, pulling those Thunderhammers away from the Fast-moving Immolators they knocked a turret off of, as they Immobilized the other. Odds are she won't survive another turn.
Assault Marines charge the Immobile IST Immolator…
…and whiff completely as the Furioso manages to blow up the Immolator, exposing the four surviving Celestians (and their two Meltas) in the resulting crater. The other Assault Marines managed to kill all the Dominions in the explosion of their Immolator.
Top of turn five, and the turretless, shaken Immolator drops off its cargo of Celestians directly into the rear arc of a Predator (who blow it up), as a Furioso is turned into a wreck in the sights of two Meltas
Plasma shots kill two assault marines, but the lone survivor isn't bothered by that at all. Meanwhile, in the assault phase the Canoness succumbs to the Terminators in close combat.
Bottom of turn five, and the predators drive forward as the Assault marines move out of the rear quarter to engage the Celestians still stunned from exploding a Predator.
The Librarian leads the Terminators against the IG Special Weapon team, for they are crunchy, and good with milk…
…and here the Terminators charge in…
…and kill all of the Special Weapon Squad, but fail to hit the fast-moving Chimeras at all.
The lone Assault Marine Meltas open an Immolator to find three ISTs conveniently within charge range…
…only to die after slaughtering just one of the ISTs.
This is where the game ends, and Rachel wins, 9 Kill Points to 7. This sees me at the end of day one with one win, one loss, and one tie, and 33 out of 60 possible Battle Points. I go out to dinner with friends, head home to sleep and return for the next day of games.
Frowbakk's Immo'rahem vs. IG @ the Seattle GT – Game 2
My opponent’s list was:
Kurt Steinlihber’s IG list – Seattle GT Game 2
170 HQ – Company Command w/ Creed, Lascannon. Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Chimera w/ 2 Heavy Bolters
343 HQ – Grey Knights Grandmaster w/ Sacred Incense, Icon of the Just, 3 Bodyguard Terminators, 1 with Psycannon (Outflanking, due to Creed’s special ability)
45 (HQ) Priest (accompanies Grey Knight Terminators)
167 ELITE – Inquisitor w/Psycannon, 2 Mystics, 2 Sages, 2 Warriors w/ Plasmagun, 1 Servitor w/ Plasma Cannon
400 TROOP – 2 IG Infantry Platoons, each w/ Platoon Command w/Lascannon, 2 Squads w/ Plasmagun, Autocannon
100 TROOP – Veterans w/ 3 Melta
390 FAST – 3 individual Vendettas (Outflanking 1 w/ Veterans, 2 w/ IG Squads)
125 HEAVY – Basilisk w/ Hvy Bolter
205 HEAVY – Leman Russ w/ Lascannon, Plasma Sponsons, Storm Bolter
Here’s the scenario:
So after only one Objective in the last mission, in this one you six… kinda.
I did my 'typical' deployment again of Celestian Immolators providing cover for the other un-smoked Immolators. He Outflanked all three Vendettas plus a unit of Grey Knight Terminators with Creed’s Outflank one unit rule, and did the typical IG Gunline with the rest. There’s a Basilisk behind the big rock on the left with one IG Squad, an Inquisitor Retinue in the center in front of his HQ Chimera, with the Platoon Command Squad and another IG Squad behind the hill in the right.
Fortunately, his shooting only immobilized one Celestian Immolator on the left, and any other shots were Stuns, or Shakes reduced by Extra Armor. I drive forward 12” and pop smoke. I have some ISTs give up their ride to the Celestians with the Immobilized Immolator and get ready to have them bunker down by the Center objective next turn.
Top of turn 2, and here comes one Outflanking Vendetta on the right…
…along with Outflanking Grey Knight Terminators and attached Priest…
…while the other Vendetta comes in on the left.
In the shooting phase, the GKTs run up to the Objective on the right. There are no other pictures of the shooting phase because I made almost every single smoke cover roll on any shot which glanced or penetrated. Perfect timing to have hot dice. The ‘almost’ was having the turret shot off of the Immobilized Immolator belonging to the Canoness.
Bottom of turn 2 and I split forces, going between the IG hiding behind the big rock with the basilisk on the left and the Inquisitor Retinue in the middle, getting close enough to flame the Command Squad behind the HQ Chimera while the Celestians bailed out for a suicide melta shot at the Leman Russ, with Dominion and Celestian Immolators in flaming position with a (soon to pop smoke) IST Immolator behind on the right. At the bottom center, IST’s take up residence in the immobilized Immolator next to a center objective.
I proceed to have the best shooting phase I’ve had in a long, long, Long, LONG time. I kill three IG in the rock on the left, reduce the center mob to just the Inquisitor and one Henchman who then run, kill off almost all the IG HQ, explode the Leman Russ, and kill even more IG behind the hill on the right.
Top of turn 3, and here comes the last Vendetta from Outflanking, while the GKTs and Valkyrie move towards the center of my deployment zone.
On the left, the IG disembark to get closer to the Objective and enable the Vendetta to go tank hunting.
The basilisk explodes the rear Immolator while the Vendetta wrecks the one in front. This also shows my turn moving to take on the IG on my left flank.
Bottom of turn 3, and Al’rahem shows up on the right. I’d have preferred to have them show up on the left as they’d be in better position to attack the IG there. The Immolator in the middle escorting the Canoness heading off the Grey Knights is filled with ISTs, and I realized too late driving them back was a mistake. I should have had them go after the IG HQ and center objective in my opponents deployment zone.
I did manage to explode the Vendetta next to the GKTs and Immobilize the other in addition to killing off the last of the IG behind the hill on the right.
Turn 4, and here come the IG vets out of the Vendetta .
A whole lot of shots later, the Special Weapon Squads are no more from lasguns on one side of the Chimera, or stuck in combat with survivors of the exploded Vendetta on the other…
…followed by a Grey Knight charge on Al’rahem’s Chimera, stunning it.
On the left, IG shooting wrecks the IST Immolator while Cadian Commander Creed cowers in his Chimera. A Vendetta also wrecks a Chimera on the right.
Bottom of turn 4, and I move the Celestians closer to the IG on my left Objective. My plan is to shoot and advance close enough to drw them off of it with an assault in round 5. At the top of the picture, three Dominions are unable to draw a bead on the Basilisk through the terrain and shoot at IG instead.
I run my surviving Immolators closer to the Basilisk and surrounding IG. Unfortunately, I have nothing in range to shoot the stunned Vendetta just out of frame to the left of the big rock..
Advancing my IG squad toward the Objective behind the hill, a lone surviving Celestian manages to not penetrate the Vendetta as a Chimera moves into next turn Heavy Flamer range of the Veterans.
Top of turn five, and here come the Grey Knight Terminators to get up close and personal with the Canoness and crew.
In the mean time, Vetrans prepare to melta Al’rahem’s ride.
Behind the big rock, the IG reposition into cover for better shots at the Dominions, and Vendetta shooting immobilized and shot off the turret of the Immolator at the top left.
In my turn, I manage to explode Creed’s Chimera and claim the center Objective with ISTs, as well as claim the right objective with my own IG.
The IG on the Objective in the left of my deployment zone managed to kill off three of the four Celestians with flashlights, and on my turn I shoot and kill one, and get THIS close to completing a charge in order to pull them off of the Objective.
The game ends in a win for me, 16 points to 9.
My opponent’s list was:
Kurt Steinlihber’s IG list – Seattle GT Game 2
170 HQ – Company Command w/ Creed, Lascannon. Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Chimera w/ 2 Heavy Bolters
343 HQ – Grey Knights Grandmaster w/ Sacred Incense, Icon of the Just, 3 Bodyguard Terminators, 1 with Psycannon (Outflanking, due to Creed’s special ability)
45 (HQ) Priest (accompanies Grey Knight Terminators)
167 ELITE – Inquisitor w/Psycannon, 2 Mystics, 2 Sages, 2 Warriors w/ Plasmagun, 1 Servitor w/ Plasma Cannon
400 TROOP – 2 IG Infantry Platoons, each w/ Platoon Command w/Lascannon, 2 Squads w/ Plasmagun, Autocannon
100 TROOP – Veterans w/ 3 Melta
390 FAST – 3 individual Vendettas (Outflanking 1 w/ Veterans, 2 w/ IG Squads)
125 HEAVY – Basilisk w/ Hvy Bolter
205 HEAVY – Leman Russ w/ Lascannon, Plasma Sponsons, Storm Bolter
Here’s the scenario:
So after only one Objective in the last mission, in this one you six… kinda.
I did my 'typical' deployment again of Celestian Immolators providing cover for the other un-smoked Immolators. He Outflanked all three Vendettas plus a unit of Grey Knight Terminators with Creed’s Outflank one unit rule, and did the typical IG Gunline with the rest. There’s a Basilisk behind the big rock on the left with one IG Squad, an Inquisitor Retinue in the center in front of his HQ Chimera, with the Platoon Command Squad and another IG Squad behind the hill in the right.
Fortunately, his shooting only immobilized one Celestian Immolator on the left, and any other shots were Stuns, or Shakes reduced by Extra Armor. I drive forward 12” and pop smoke. I have some ISTs give up their ride to the Celestians with the Immobilized Immolator and get ready to have them bunker down by the Center objective next turn.
Top of turn 2, and here comes one Outflanking Vendetta on the right…
…along with Outflanking Grey Knight Terminators and attached Priest…
…while the other Vendetta comes in on the left.
In the shooting phase, the GKTs run up to the Objective on the right. There are no other pictures of the shooting phase because I made almost every single smoke cover roll on any shot which glanced or penetrated. Perfect timing to have hot dice. The ‘almost’ was having the turret shot off of the Immobilized Immolator belonging to the Canoness.
Bottom of turn 2 and I split forces, going between the IG hiding behind the big rock with the basilisk on the left and the Inquisitor Retinue in the middle, getting close enough to flame the Command Squad behind the HQ Chimera while the Celestians bailed out for a suicide melta shot at the Leman Russ, with Dominion and Celestian Immolators in flaming position with a (soon to pop smoke) IST Immolator behind on the right. At the bottom center, IST’s take up residence in the immobilized Immolator next to a center objective.
I proceed to have the best shooting phase I’ve had in a long, long, Long, LONG time. I kill three IG in the rock on the left, reduce the center mob to just the Inquisitor and one Henchman who then run, kill off almost all the IG HQ, explode the Leman Russ, and kill even more IG behind the hill on the right.
Top of turn 3, and here comes the last Vendetta from Outflanking, while the GKTs and Valkyrie move towards the center of my deployment zone.
On the left, the IG disembark to get closer to the Objective and enable the Vendetta to go tank hunting.
The basilisk explodes the rear Immolator while the Vendetta wrecks the one in front. This also shows my turn moving to take on the IG on my left flank.
Bottom of turn 3, and Al’rahem shows up on the right. I’d have preferred to have them show up on the left as they’d be in better position to attack the IG there. The Immolator in the middle escorting the Canoness heading off the Grey Knights is filled with ISTs, and I realized too late driving them back was a mistake. I should have had them go after the IG HQ and center objective in my opponents deployment zone.
I did manage to explode the Vendetta next to the GKTs and Immobilize the other in addition to killing off the last of the IG behind the hill on the right.
Turn 4, and here come the IG vets out of the Vendetta .
A whole lot of shots later, the Special Weapon Squads are no more from lasguns on one side of the Chimera, or stuck in combat with survivors of the exploded Vendetta on the other…
…followed by a Grey Knight charge on Al’rahem’s Chimera, stunning it.
On the left, IG shooting wrecks the IST Immolator while Cadian Commander Creed cowers in his Chimera. A Vendetta also wrecks a Chimera on the right.
Bottom of turn 4, and I move the Celestians closer to the IG on my left Objective. My plan is to shoot and advance close enough to drw them off of it with an assault in round 5. At the top of the picture, three Dominions are unable to draw a bead on the Basilisk through the terrain and shoot at IG instead.
I run my surviving Immolators closer to the Basilisk and surrounding IG. Unfortunately, I have nothing in range to shoot the stunned Vendetta just out of frame to the left of the big rock..
Advancing my IG squad toward the Objective behind the hill, a lone surviving Celestian manages to not penetrate the Vendetta as a Chimera moves into next turn Heavy Flamer range of the Veterans.
Top of turn five, and here come the Grey Knight Terminators to get up close and personal with the Canoness and crew.
In the mean time, Vetrans prepare to melta Al’rahem’s ride.
Behind the big rock, the IG reposition into cover for better shots at the Dominions, and Vendetta shooting immobilized and shot off the turret of the Immolator at the top left.
In my turn, I manage to explode Creed’s Chimera and claim the center Objective with ISTs, as well as claim the right objective with my own IG.
The IG on the Objective in the left of my deployment zone managed to kill off three of the four Celestians with flashlights, and on my turn I shoot and kill one, and get THIS close to completing a charge in order to pull them off of the Objective.
The game ends in a win for me, 16 points to 9.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The A-to-Z (almost) of non-GW, but cool, miniature suppliers.
I'll be editing this post to make the links more uniform in appearance and have better descriptions as the mood takes me, or as I run across different miniature companies in my websurfing.
[url]http://www.3t-studios.com/[/url]Scratchbuilt terrain and tables
[url]http://www.amera.co.uk/[/url] Vacuform terrain with fantasy, modern, and future themes. really cheap too.
[url]http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/[/url] Some neat stuff in his store in terms of 40k terrain and modeling.
[url]http://armorcast.com/store/index.php/[/url] Lots of Terrain and some tanks, their models and Steampunk stuff is okay
[url]http://www.avatars-of-war.com/[/url] So. Amazingly. Beautiful. If you play Fantasy, you owe it to yourself to take a look at these models for your lords or heroes; they have at least one model for virtually every faction and they are all gorgeous..
[url]http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php/[/url] They have a decent range of resin bases, although nothing that blew me away, but they are at least alternatives to some of the others out there. They also sell a variety of other craft supplies, including plasticard, movement trays, basing supplies, and even GW/FW product.
[url]http://blackcatbases.com/[/url] Despite the name they sell more than just bases, although they certainly have a good selection of those; they also do heads, conversion bitz, and especially accessories for figures, like weapons, tools, backpacks, etc.
[url]http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/index.php[/url] Random minis, ton of pirates.
[url]http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/[/url] Custom Sculpts and Bits for 40K and Fantasy.
[url]http://www.comfychairgames.com/catalog.php[/url] Mostly a Horror-based Necromunda, but the W.i.l.d.fire robot spider is kewl
[url]http://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/range.php?range=FW[/url] From Gang Warfare to Terrain and historicals. You have to click each link to see the miniantures, though.
[url]http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/[/url] Miniatures from George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice, There's plenty of interesting stuff in here, although most of it doesn't quite fit the Warhammer "Heroic Scale" aesthetic.
[url]http://dragonforge.com[/url] More useful for the micro chain and ready to use power cables than anything else.
[url]http://www.ebobminiatures.com/products/tools.htm[/url] Tools, armatures, sculpting media
[url]http://www.ema-models.co.uk/Architectural[/url] and Hobby model parts and supplies, including DC motors and gearboxes
[url]http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/index.html[/url] Not a huge line of stuff and only tiny, tiny pictures available, but their range of metals seems to have some interesting options.
[url]http://www.empressminiatures.com[/url] Some historical and modern figures, very realistic.
[url]http://www.eurekamin.com.au/[/url] They make all kinds of miniatures, including Nazi's riding dinosaurs.
[url]http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/[/url] Do you need plasticard in odd shapes or sizes, or want something patterned, or otherwise odd? This may be the place for you.
[url]http://www.evilmushroomgames.com/new_page_2.htm[/url] Not a huge selection, but some pretty okay bases and a number of interesting terrain pieces.
[url]http://www.ex-illis.com/[/url] Angels and Demons take sides in historical medieval Europe.
[url]http://www.figurines-studio38.com/default.html[/url] Tyranid Spore Pod and their own ranges of figures.
[url]http://www.forgecraftgames.com/catalog/index.php[/url] Perhaps a little smaller than some of the other base manufacturers, but they have a good selection and all of the casts are excellent, both for wargaming and for tabletop minis.
[url]http://www.gamezoneminiatures.de/[/url] A wide range of our 1/5 inch (28 mm) fantasy miniatures.
[url]http://www.grindhousegames.com/[/url] On the one side, we have a weird-WW2 thing with gas-masked allies fighting German monstrosities. On the other side of the site, we have weird robots.
[url]http://www.groundzerogames.net/[/url] I have some of their models, but their online store is hampered by an extreme lack of photos
[url]http://hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/index.php[/url] Great detailed Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Modern miniatures.
[url]http://www.heavy-support.com/[/url] Heavy Support - Not much here, just an alternate Leman Russ/Chimera
[url]http://www.helldorado.fr/figurines/index.php[/url] A French game, but available through some US (and potentially other?) retailers. They have an absolutely gonzo line of models, with everything from Chinese hell-demons to abominations of the pit to Arabic summoners to Victorian mercenaries. No idea how they're scaled, but some very pretty stuff.
[url]http://www.heresyminiatures.com/[/url] For when you need a unique looking miniature for your Inquisitor Reitnu.. Hey, is that David Tennant?
[url]http://hitechminiatures.com/#[/url] Some could-be Grey Knights and Draedknight here.
[url]http://www.hlj.com/index.html[/url] A lot of mecha and tank parts that are of use to a creative IG or Ork player, so maybe search around a bit.
[url]http://impactminiatures.com/[/url] Many Blood Bowl-like miniatures and a stand alone game, plus a a rock band of Orcs.
[url]http://www.infinitythegame.com/infinity_ENG/[/url] A standalone futuristic game akin to Necromunda, the models are pretty nice looking but not much cheaper than their 40K equivalents, which has kept me out of the game so far.
[url]http://www.irondogstudios.com/store.html[/url] Some Orky bits and resin bases from the guy who built the Tater Titan
[url]http://www.ironhalo.net/store/catalog/[/url] Another resin base retailer, they do some interesting lines and actually have a quite large selection of stuff. They have a lot of more unusual base sizes including those for Fantasy, War Machine, cavalry, etc.
[url]http://www.kabukimodels.com/[/url] Resin and metal alternate Marine character models and bits, some larger scale models too.
[url]http://www.kerrandking.co.uk/[/url] A nice-looking site in a lot of ways, but awkward to browse through. Still, it's not completely awful and the bases all look rather nice, including a few more unusual types.
[url]http://www.lead-adventure.com/[/url]Some Steampunk and Post-Apocalyptic figures plus heads with tophats.
[url]http://www.lostclan.net/Lostclan/Home.html[/url] Home of the infamous Female Cadians, and also a bionics upgrade sprue.
[url]http://www.manticgames.com/[/url] An excellent manufacturer who is not only creeping in on GW's territory but also putting out a game of their own, heavily modeled on WFB. Their undead, elf, and dwarf kits are all very strong and have a decent variety of pieces, poses, etc, not to mention worlds cheaper than GW's kits.
[url]http://shop.masq-mini.de/[/url] Masquerade Miniatures, notable for horror gaming figures and a 'Giant Riding Wolfpack' not-Thunderwolf Cavalry.
[url]http://www.maxmini.eu/store/[/url] A nice little company with a quickly expanding line of conversion bitz as well as a few useful figures; their Thunderwolf is not completely awful, but there's probably better options. They do have a nice IG-scaled bike, though. Their conversion parts are the real treasure, though- they have an extensive line of awesome Ork parts (heads, bodies, bionics, etc) as well as a variety of other weapons, shields, and various upgrade parts.
[url]http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/index.php[/url] Mostly known for their "mechanicus" guard and some cool heads.
[url]http://www.miniaturescenery.com/[/url] They make hardboard "punch out" scenery. Nax got me onto them recently.
[url]http://www.mrdandy.com/wargamma/[/url] Thunderwolves, bases, etc.
[url]http://mythicast.com/[/url]More Thunderwolves and even Cyberwolves for your Iron Priest
[url]http://www.oldcrowmodels.co.uk/[/url] Manufacturer of near-future/sci-fi models, with a strong emphasis on vehicles, spacecraft, and field works (turrets, walls, scenery, etc).
[url]http://www.paulsongames.com/resin.html[/url] Another small manufacturer, but does a nice little line of conversion bits.
[url]http://www.perry-miniatures.com/index2.html[/url] A nice historical wargaming company that produces large boxes of figures for fairly cheap; they're mostly useful to Guard players as stand-ins, but be aware of the usual differences in scale between 28mm and heroic.
[url]http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/[/url] Ah, Pig Iron, beloved of Guard players everywhere. Not only do they have their own line of figures, the heads (and much of the other gear) are perfectly fitted for IG models.
[url]http://www.plastruct.com/Pages/USDealers.html[/url] A very nice plasticard company that apparently supplies a rather large percentage of the US, as well as one of the companies I've dealt with personally. They have a PDF catalog with approximately one million different types of plastic in it; if you're willing to dig, chances are you can find what you want. Of note is their fluorescent acrylic rods, which are perfect for Necrons should you, for some reason, decide to hate yourself.
[url]http://pulp-city.com/index.html[/url] Pulp superheroes miniatures. Either you'll be super-excited that these exist and you can buy them or you won't care because they aren't what you need.
[url]http://www.pulpfigures.com/[/url] Just what it says. Nefarious Chinamen! Doofish henchmen! Dashing adventurers! Probably not appropriate for 40K or Fantasy! But still cool!
[url]http://privateerpress.com/[/url] Obviously also their own game, but several of the Cryx (Warmachine) miniatures could make good stand-ins for Dark Eldar units and Legion of Everblight (Hordes) provides some interesting possibilities for Tyranid players.
[url]http://www.quantumgothic.co.uk/[/url] A lot of neat scifi terrain.
[url]http://www.rackham-e.com/en[/url] Makers of several miniatures games including AT-43, a prepainted future game with military gorillas. Let me repeat that: armed gorillas in space are a real thing in this game. If that isn't enough reason for you to be curious, I hate you. Some of their mecha have been converted with reasonable success into Killa Kanz by a number of folks.
[url]http://www.ramshacklegames.co.uk/nuclear/index.html[/url] Fulfilling that Post-Nuclear/Necromunda/Orky Bitz. Look at their 'Tridlins' for vehicle bitz
[url]http://www.reapermini.com/[/url] If you have ever wanted a figure for your D&D character or fancy monster the PCs are facing, this is the site for you. They have an absolutely enormous range of tagged, searchable models of all manner of heroes and horrors. Their modern and sci-fi lines are much more limited, but there are still possibilities in here. (The Darkspawn in particular could easily be some kind of alien or Tyranid beasties.)
[url]http://www.resinfx.com/[/url] Very detailed resin bases of various kinds, many of them fairly unique. Lots of "scenery" bases that aren't just some bumps on a standard 25mm/40mm circle, so if you're looking for something damn fancy, this may be the place. A little more pricey than most as a consequence, though.
Robogear Model kits - Want some cheap plastic toys to chop up for your conversions? Here's the place.
[url]http://www.sciborminiatures.com/[/url] Can't say for sure, but the pics of the sculpts look amazing. Various minis and parts, very obviously 40K/Fantasy-themed ("celtic space warrior," hrmmmm?) including lots of alternate heads, shields, and breastplates. Also squats.
[url]http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/[/url] Mostly just bases, but a few conversion bitz mixed in (backpacks, helmets, Extra Armor). None of them are ground-breaking surprises, but if you have a specific look in mind for your army you'll probably appreciate another option.
[url]http://www.shadowforge.com.au/[/url] Have I done any Australian companies yet? Here's one with anime-styled figures.
[url]http://www.smog1888.com/[/url] You know how some games have crazy character models? Smog has a flying doctor with robo-arms and a smoke-belching stove-top hat, oh year. I know absolutely nothing of the game, but the models are perhaps the best thing in the whole world.
[url]http://www.studiomcvey.com/[/url] A small selection of extremely well-sculpted minis, although they're generally just a bit too large to use in 40K. Pretty, though.
[url]http://www.taban-miniatures.com/[/url] Another of the shops I haven't really browsed in extensive depth, they produce a stand-alone game with a vague gladiatorial combat theme.
[url]http://www.tabletop-art.de/[/url]More bits, bases and variant figures for Marine Character models.
[url]http://www.tabletop-world.com/index.php[/url] Fantasy buildings and accessories
[url]https://www.thunderboltmountain.com[/url] Mostly fantasy, but I bought some wolves from them.
[url]http://www.tobsen77.de/index.php?lan=en[/url] Vehicles that would look good in an Ork army, or a wooden Steam Tank
[url]http://trollforged.com/index.html[/url] Another company I can personally vouch for being pretty excellent. Resin casts of several useful styles of models- Daemons, beasts, definitely-not-Tyranids, and best of all, Guardsmen with greatcoats!
[url]http://www.ultraforgeminiatures.com/[/url] If you aren't going to Avatars of War for your Fantasy needs, you damn well better be going here. Ultraforge specializes in huge, detailed models of monsters like dragons, greater daemons, and the like, and their work is second to none. They also enjoy cult popularity as the makers of an excellent set of wings that can be added to models that are in need of flight, not the least of the Hive Tyrants and Harpies.
[url]http://www.urbanmammoth.co.uk/[/url] I have some of their older models for my Necromunda gangs
[url]http://www.victoryforce.com/[/url] They have a 'Gamer Rules Lawyer' figure, and WWII re-enactors
[url]http://shop.warlordgames.co.uk/[/url] Not sure if these are the same guys as Wargames Factory, but if you want to 40K-ify some historical plastics.
[url]http://www.wargamesfactory.com/webstore[/url] Makers of a variety of plastic kits, all of them competitively-priced compared to the alternatives. Foremost on the list would probably be their zombie and shock trooper kits, but they also have a variety of historical minis that could be integrated into a thematic force of some kind.
[url]http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/asp/nocookie.asp[/url] Lots of miniatures, but not to scale with 40K. Diverse selection, though.
[url]http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/[/url] These guys have alternate-future WWII scifi stuff. Some cool mech thingies and neat troops.
[url]http://wyrd-games.net/shop/home.php[/url] Makers of Malifaux, a very cool-looking game that I unfortunately can't really afford to get into right now. But, like Hell Dorado, they have an awesome line of minis with a style all their own, slightly steampunk with a fantastic twist and some of the dark sensibilities that infuse GW's games.
[url]http://www.zuzzy.com/[/url] Scenery pieces and tabletops almost exclusively- and pretty nice ones, at that. If green felt isn't your thing, give this a look and see if you can't go for something more exotic; I'm told they are rather durable and quite worth the price.
[url]http://www.3t-studios.com/[/url]Scratchbuilt terrain and tables
[url]http://www.amera.co.uk/[/url] Vacuform terrain with fantasy, modern, and future themes. really cheap too.
[url]http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/[/url] Some neat stuff in his store in terms of 40k terrain and modeling.
[url]http://armorcast.com/store/index.php/[/url] Lots of Terrain and some tanks, their models and Steampunk stuff is okay
[url]http://www.avatars-of-war.com/[/url] So. Amazingly. Beautiful. If you play Fantasy, you owe it to yourself to take a look at these models for your lords or heroes; they have at least one model for virtually every faction and they are all gorgeous..
[url]http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php/[/url] They have a decent range of resin bases, although nothing that blew me away, but they are at least alternatives to some of the others out there. They also sell a variety of other craft supplies, including plasticard, movement trays, basing supplies, and even GW/FW product.
[url]http://blackcatbases.com/[/url] Despite the name they sell more than just bases, although they certainly have a good selection of those; they also do heads, conversion bitz, and especially accessories for figures, like weapons, tools, backpacks, etc.
[url]http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/index.php[/url] Random minis, ton of pirates.
[url]http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/[/url] Custom Sculpts and Bits for 40K and Fantasy.
[url]http://www.comfychairgames.com/catalog.php[/url] Mostly a Horror-based Necromunda, but the W.i.l.d.fire robot spider is kewl
[url]http://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/range.php?range=FW[/url] From Gang Warfare to Terrain and historicals. You have to click each link to see the miniantures, though.
[url]http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/[/url] Miniatures from George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice, There's plenty of interesting stuff in here, although most of it doesn't quite fit the Warhammer "Heroic Scale" aesthetic.
[url]http://dragonforge.com[/url] More useful for the micro chain and ready to use power cables than anything else.
[url]http://www.ebobminiatures.com/products/tools.htm[/url] Tools, armatures, sculpting media
[url]http://www.ema-models.co.uk/Architectural[/url] and Hobby model parts and supplies, including DC motors and gearboxes
[url]http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/index.html[/url] Not a huge line of stuff and only tiny, tiny pictures available, but their range of metals seems to have some interesting options.
[url]http://www.empressminiatures.com[/url] Some historical and modern figures, very realistic.
[url]http://www.eurekamin.com.au/[/url] They make all kinds of miniatures, including Nazi's riding dinosaurs.
[url]http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/[/url] Do you need plasticard in odd shapes or sizes, or want something patterned, or otherwise odd? This may be the place for you.
[url]http://www.evilmushroomgames.com/new_page_2.htm[/url] Not a huge selection, but some pretty okay bases and a number of interesting terrain pieces.
[url]http://www.ex-illis.com/[/url] Angels and Demons take sides in historical medieval Europe.
[url]http://www.figurines-studio38.com/default.html[/url] Tyranid Spore Pod and their own ranges of figures.
[url]http://www.forgecraftgames.com/catalog/index.php[/url] Perhaps a little smaller than some of the other base manufacturers, but they have a good selection and all of the casts are excellent, both for wargaming and for tabletop minis.
[url]http://www.gamezoneminiatures.de/[/url] A wide range of our 1/5 inch (28 mm) fantasy miniatures.
[url]http://www.grindhousegames.com/[/url] On the one side, we have a weird-WW2 thing with gas-masked allies fighting German monstrosities. On the other side of the site, we have weird robots.
[url]http://www.groundzerogames.net/[/url] I have some of their models, but their online store is hampered by an extreme lack of photos
[url]http://hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/index.php[/url] Great detailed Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Modern miniatures.
[url]http://www.heavy-support.com/[/url] Heavy Support - Not much here, just an alternate Leman Russ/Chimera
[url]http://www.helldorado.fr/figurines/index.php[/url] A French game, but available through some US (and potentially other?) retailers. They have an absolutely gonzo line of models, with everything from Chinese hell-demons to abominations of the pit to Arabic summoners to Victorian mercenaries. No idea how they're scaled, but some very pretty stuff.
[url]http://www.heresyminiatures.com/[/url] For when you need a unique looking miniature for your Inquisitor Reitnu.. Hey, is that David Tennant?
[url]http://hitechminiatures.com/#[/url] Some could-be Grey Knights and Draedknight here.
[url]http://www.hlj.com/index.html[/url] A lot of mecha and tank parts that are of use to a creative IG or Ork player, so maybe search around a bit.
[url]http://impactminiatures.com/[/url] Many Blood Bowl-like miniatures and a stand alone game, plus a a rock band of Orcs.
[url]http://www.infinitythegame.com/infinity_ENG/[/url] A standalone futuristic game akin to Necromunda, the models are pretty nice looking but not much cheaper than their 40K equivalents, which has kept me out of the game so far.
[url]http://www.irondogstudios.com/store.html[/url] Some Orky bits and resin bases from the guy who built the Tater Titan
[url]http://www.ironhalo.net/store/catalog/[/url] Another resin base retailer, they do some interesting lines and actually have a quite large selection of stuff. They have a lot of more unusual base sizes including those for Fantasy, War Machine, cavalry, etc.
[url]http://www.kabukimodels.com/[/url] Resin and metal alternate Marine character models and bits, some larger scale models too.
[url]http://www.kerrandking.co.uk/[/url] A nice-looking site in a lot of ways, but awkward to browse through. Still, it's not completely awful and the bases all look rather nice, including a few more unusual types.
[url]http://www.lead-adventure.com/[/url]Some Steampunk and Post-Apocalyptic figures plus heads with tophats.
[url]http://www.lostclan.net/Lostclan/Home.html[/url] Home of the infamous Female Cadians, and also a bionics upgrade sprue.
[url]http://www.manticgames.com/[/url] An excellent manufacturer who is not only creeping in on GW's territory but also putting out a game of their own, heavily modeled on WFB. Their undead, elf, and dwarf kits are all very strong and have a decent variety of pieces, poses, etc, not to mention worlds cheaper than GW's kits.
[url]http://shop.masq-mini.de/[/url] Masquerade Miniatures, notable for horror gaming figures and a 'Giant Riding Wolfpack' not-Thunderwolf Cavalry.
[url]http://www.maxmini.eu/store/[/url] A nice little company with a quickly expanding line of conversion bitz as well as a few useful figures; their Thunderwolf is not completely awful, but there's probably better options. They do have a nice IG-scaled bike, though. Their conversion parts are the real treasure, though- they have an extensive line of awesome Ork parts (heads, bodies, bionics, etc) as well as a variety of other weapons, shields, and various upgrade parts.
[url]http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/index.php[/url] Mostly known for their "mechanicus" guard and some cool heads.
[url]http://www.miniaturescenery.com/[/url] They make hardboard "punch out" scenery. Nax got me onto them recently.
[url]http://www.mrdandy.com/wargamma/[/url] Thunderwolves, bases, etc.
[url]http://mythicast.com/[/url]More Thunderwolves and even Cyberwolves for your Iron Priest
[url]http://www.oldcrowmodels.co.uk/[/url] Manufacturer of near-future/sci-fi models, with a strong emphasis on vehicles, spacecraft, and field works (turrets, walls, scenery, etc).
[url]http://www.paulsongames.com/resin.html[/url] Another small manufacturer, but does a nice little line of conversion bits.
[url]http://www.perry-miniatures.com/index2.html[/url] A nice historical wargaming company that produces large boxes of figures for fairly cheap; they're mostly useful to Guard players as stand-ins, but be aware of the usual differences in scale between 28mm and heroic.
[url]http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/[/url] Ah, Pig Iron, beloved of Guard players everywhere. Not only do they have their own line of figures, the heads (and much of the other gear) are perfectly fitted for IG models.
[url]http://www.plastruct.com/Pages/USDealers.html[/url] A very nice plasticard company that apparently supplies a rather large percentage of the US, as well as one of the companies I've dealt with personally. They have a PDF catalog with approximately one million different types of plastic in it; if you're willing to dig, chances are you can find what you want. Of note is their fluorescent acrylic rods, which are perfect for Necrons should you, for some reason, decide to hate yourself.
[url]http://pulp-city.com/index.html[/url] Pulp superheroes miniatures. Either you'll be super-excited that these exist and you can buy them or you won't care because they aren't what you need.
[url]http://www.pulpfigures.com/[/url] Just what it says. Nefarious Chinamen! Doofish henchmen! Dashing adventurers! Probably not appropriate for 40K or Fantasy! But still cool!
[url]http://privateerpress.com/[/url] Obviously also their own game, but several of the Cryx (Warmachine) miniatures could make good stand-ins for Dark Eldar units and Legion of Everblight (Hordes) provides some interesting possibilities for Tyranid players.
[url]http://www.quantumgothic.co.uk/[/url] A lot of neat scifi terrain.
[url]http://www.rackham-e.com/en[/url] Makers of several miniatures games including AT-43, a prepainted future game with military gorillas. Let me repeat that: armed gorillas in space are a real thing in this game. If that isn't enough reason for you to be curious, I hate you. Some of their mecha have been converted with reasonable success into Killa Kanz by a number of folks.
[url]http://www.ramshacklegames.co.uk/nuclear/index.html[/url] Fulfilling that Post-Nuclear/Necromunda/Orky Bitz. Look at their 'Tridlins' for vehicle bitz
[url]http://www.reapermini.com/[/url] If you have ever wanted a figure for your D&D character or fancy monster the PCs are facing, this is the site for you. They have an absolutely enormous range of tagged, searchable models of all manner of heroes and horrors. Their modern and sci-fi lines are much more limited, but there are still possibilities in here. (The Darkspawn in particular could easily be some kind of alien or Tyranid beasties.)
[url]http://www.resinfx.com/[/url] Very detailed resin bases of various kinds, many of them fairly unique. Lots of "scenery" bases that aren't just some bumps on a standard 25mm/40mm circle, so if you're looking for something damn fancy, this may be the place. A little more pricey than most as a consequence, though.
Robogear Model kits - Want some cheap plastic toys to chop up for your conversions? Here's the place.
[url]http://www.sciborminiatures.com/[/url] Can't say for sure, but the pics of the sculpts look amazing. Various minis and parts, very obviously 40K/Fantasy-themed ("celtic space warrior," hrmmmm?) including lots of alternate heads, shields, and breastplates. Also squats.
[url]http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/[/url] Mostly just bases, but a few conversion bitz mixed in (backpacks, helmets, Extra Armor). None of them are ground-breaking surprises, but if you have a specific look in mind for your army you'll probably appreciate another option.
[url]http://www.shadowforge.com.au/[/url] Have I done any Australian companies yet? Here's one with anime-styled figures.
[url]http://www.smog1888.com/[/url] You know how some games have crazy character models? Smog has a flying doctor with robo-arms and a smoke-belching stove-top hat, oh year. I know absolutely nothing of the game, but the models are perhaps the best thing in the whole world.
[url]http://www.studiomcvey.com/[/url] A small selection of extremely well-sculpted minis, although they're generally just a bit too large to use in 40K. Pretty, though.
[url]http://www.taban-miniatures.com/[/url] Another of the shops I haven't really browsed in extensive depth, they produce a stand-alone game with a vague gladiatorial combat theme.
[url]http://www.tabletop-art.de/[/url]More bits, bases and variant figures for Marine Character models.
[url]http://www.tabletop-world.com/index.php[/url] Fantasy buildings and accessories
[url]https://www.thunderboltmountain.com[/url] Mostly fantasy, but I bought some wolves from them.
[url]http://www.tobsen77.de/index.php?lan=en[/url] Vehicles that would look good in an Ork army, or a wooden Steam Tank
[url]http://trollforged.com/index.html[/url] Another company I can personally vouch for being pretty excellent. Resin casts of several useful styles of models- Daemons, beasts, definitely-not-Tyranids, and best of all, Guardsmen with greatcoats!
[url]http://www.ultraforgeminiatures.com/[/url] If you aren't going to Avatars of War for your Fantasy needs, you damn well better be going here. Ultraforge specializes in huge, detailed models of monsters like dragons, greater daemons, and the like, and their work is second to none. They also enjoy cult popularity as the makers of an excellent set of wings that can be added to models that are in need of flight, not the least of the Hive Tyrants and Harpies.
[url]http://www.urbanmammoth.co.uk/[/url] I have some of their older models for my Necromunda gangs
[url]http://www.victoryforce.com/[/url] They have a 'Gamer Rules Lawyer' figure, and WWII re-enactors
[url]http://shop.warlordgames.co.uk/[/url] Not sure if these are the same guys as Wargames Factory, but if you want to 40K-ify some historical plastics.
[url]http://www.wargamesfactory.com/webstore[/url] Makers of a variety of plastic kits, all of them competitively-priced compared to the alternatives. Foremost on the list would probably be their zombie and shock trooper kits, but they also have a variety of historical minis that could be integrated into a thematic force of some kind.
[url]http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/asp/nocookie.asp[/url] Lots of miniatures, but not to scale with 40K. Diverse selection, though.
[url]http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/[/url] These guys have alternate-future WWII scifi stuff. Some cool mech thingies and neat troops.
[url]http://wyrd-games.net/shop/home.php[/url] Makers of Malifaux, a very cool-looking game that I unfortunately can't really afford to get into right now. But, like Hell Dorado, they have an awesome line of minis with a style all their own, slightly steampunk with a fantastic twist and some of the dark sensibilities that infuse GW's games.
[url]http://www.zuzzy.com/[/url] Scenery pieces and tabletops almost exclusively- and pretty nice ones, at that. If green felt isn't your thing, give this a look and see if you can't go for something more exotic; I'm told they are rather durable and quite worth the price.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Seattle GT: Game 1 vs Tau
Time for the battle reports for my Immolator Spam at the Seattle GT last weekend.
Here's my list:
214 HQ - Canoness w/Book of St Lucius, MeltaBombs incl 5 Celestians w/2 Melta
in an Immolator wImmolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
474 ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
210 TROOP - 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
565 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command + Al'rahem w/3 Melta in a ML/HF Chimera
2 Squads, each w/Melta & Autocannon, 2 ML/HF Chimeras
2 Special Weapon Squads each w/3 Melta
318 FAST - 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
219 HEAVY - 3x Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
2000 points.
..and here's what it looked like:
My first round opponent was Bentley Pascoe, a longtime Tau player, and 40K Tournament Judge at some events, like TSHFT coming up the first weekend of March.
I'll edit his list in here later.
Here's what his army looked like:
They had the scoring sheet printed on the back of the scenario, so you couldn't keep it. Thanks to the wonders of technology, however...
I chose one of the IG Autocannon gunners (who looks like Vasquez from Aliens) to be my messenger model.
I won the roll off to go first, so I deployed in my usual way, ready to pop smoke on the sideways tanks in front providing cover to all of my Immolators as Al'rahem's IG outflanked.
Then the Tau seized the initiative (insert sad trombone sound here), and took his first move.
Here's the results of his shooting phase, one exploded Immolator, and two weaponless and immobilized Immolators in the front row.
Then in his Assault phase, Bentley jumped back behind his lines.
So, since I had two bunkers in rapid fire range of the Objective, I had two units of ISTs bail out and swap rides with the two Celestian units, belatedly advancing under cover of smoke.
Top of turn two, and Bentley lines up his suits to maximize his shooting...
..shaking two, destroying the turret of the third, and wrecking the fourth Immy not-so-protected by smoke. In the bottom of the picture you can see the ISTs and Celestians swapping rides.
Then the Tau suits jumped back in the assault phase.
Al'rahem and his IG arrive, Outflanking on the left. I brought in the two Infantry Squads as a blob to provide extra ablative bodies for Vasquez.
Taking over the IST Immys, the Celestians move to midfield.
In the distance, Al'rahem takes out one devilfish, but fails to do more than stun the second.
Top of turn three, and here come the Tau...
...with some Outflanking Piranhas to help contain the IG infestation....
...wrecking one Chimera, stunning Al'rahem's ride, and gunning down two Special Weapon Squad girls.
In the center of the board, Tau shooting shakes every Immolator, and immobilizes the one next to the center objective.
Then the Tau assault...
...Immobilizing one Immolator and wrecking the other, which would have been a perfectly placed bunker for the ISTs.
Meanwhile, both Special Weapon Teams get assaulted by Gun Drones...
...and get stuck in combat with the ninja frisbees for the rest of the game.
Bottom of the turn, and I can[U] finally[/U] get some of my (non Outflanking) models past the halfway point on the board. I Tank Shocked the HQ in the center, but misjudged the angle and clipped the Shas'whatever who had the melta, exploding an Immolator.
I also tank shocked into a unit of Firewarriors on the left, but with all of the Immolator turrets out of action or destroyed by this time, it's nowhere close to dishing out the holy Promethium like it should.
I do kill a couple of battlesuits with meltas and bolters, though.
I then charge into assault with my Sisters who only fired their meltas, since time was running short (both Bentley and I had cases of the dreaded slow player-itis this game) to try and tarpit them away from the center objective.
Top of the turn, and here come the Kroot, right in Al'rahem's face. One of the Kroot was the messenger model for the Tau...
...and the Kroot charge in with predictable results.
While I manage to tarpit the HQ, the lone crisis suit on the right kills one Celestian, and the girls fail their morale and run, letting the lone suit jump-consolidate on top of my wrecked Immolator to contest the center objective just as "dice down" is called. The game ends in a tie, with my 12 points to Bentley's 13.
Here's my list:
214 HQ - Canoness w/Book of St Lucius, MeltaBombs incl 5 Celestians w/2 Melta
in an Immolator wImmolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
474 ELITE - 3x 5 Celestians w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
210 TROOP - 3x 5 =I= Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma
565 TROOP -IG Infantry Platoon: Command + Al'rahem w/3 Melta in a ML/HF Chimera
2 Squads, each w/Melta & Autocannon, 2 ML/HF Chimeras
2 Special Weapon Squads each w/3 Melta
318 FAST - 2x 5 Dominions w/2 Melta in an Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke, Searchlight
219 HEAVY - 3x Immolator Tank w/Extra Armor, Smoke
2000 points.
..and here's what it looked like:
My first round opponent was Bentley Pascoe, a longtime Tau player, and 40K Tournament Judge at some events, like TSHFT coming up the first weekend of March.
I'll edit his list in here later.
Here's what his army looked like:
They had the scoring sheet printed on the back of the scenario, so you couldn't keep it. Thanks to the wonders of technology, however...
I chose one of the IG Autocannon gunners (who looks like Vasquez from Aliens) to be my messenger model.
I won the roll off to go first, so I deployed in my usual way, ready to pop smoke on the sideways tanks in front providing cover to all of my Immolators as Al'rahem's IG outflanked.
Then the Tau seized the initiative (insert sad trombone sound here), and took his first move.
Here's the results of his shooting phase, one exploded Immolator, and two weaponless and immobilized Immolators in the front row.
Then in his Assault phase, Bentley jumped back behind his lines.
So, since I had two bunkers in rapid fire range of the Objective, I had two units of ISTs bail out and swap rides with the two Celestian units, belatedly advancing under cover of smoke.
Top of turn two, and Bentley lines up his suits to maximize his shooting...
..shaking two, destroying the turret of the third, and wrecking the fourth Immy not-so-protected by smoke. In the bottom of the picture you can see the ISTs and Celestians swapping rides.
Then the Tau suits jumped back in the assault phase.
Al'rahem and his IG arrive, Outflanking on the left. I brought in the two Infantry Squads as a blob to provide extra ablative bodies for Vasquez.
Taking over the IST Immys, the Celestians move to midfield.
In the distance, Al'rahem takes out one devilfish, but fails to do more than stun the second.
Top of turn three, and here come the Tau...
...with some Outflanking Piranhas to help contain the IG infestation....
...wrecking one Chimera, stunning Al'rahem's ride, and gunning down two Special Weapon Squad girls.
In the center of the board, Tau shooting shakes every Immolator, and immobilizes the one next to the center objective.
Then the Tau assault...
...Immobilizing one Immolator and wrecking the other, which would have been a perfectly placed bunker for the ISTs.
Meanwhile, both Special Weapon Teams get assaulted by Gun Drones...
...and get stuck in combat with the ninja frisbees for the rest of the game.
Bottom of the turn, and I can[U] finally[/U] get some of my (non Outflanking) models past the halfway point on the board. I Tank Shocked the HQ in the center, but misjudged the angle and clipped the Shas'whatever who had the melta, exploding an Immolator.
I also tank shocked into a unit of Firewarriors on the left, but with all of the Immolator turrets out of action or destroyed by this time, it's nowhere close to dishing out the holy Promethium like it should.
I do kill a couple of battlesuits with meltas and bolters, though.
I then charge into assault with my Sisters who only fired their meltas, since time was running short (both Bentley and I had cases of the dreaded slow player-itis this game) to try and tarpit them away from the center objective.
Top of the turn, and here come the Kroot, right in Al'rahem's face. One of the Kroot was the messenger model for the Tau...
...and the Kroot charge in with predictable results.
While I manage to tarpit the HQ, the lone crisis suit on the right kills one Celestian, and the girls fail their morale and run, letting the lone suit jump-consolidate on top of my wrecked Immolator to contest the center objective just as "dice down" is called. The game ends in a tie, with my 12 points to Bentley's 13.
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