Thursday, February 3, 2011

Frowbakk's Immo'rahem vs. IG @ the Seattle GT – Game 2

My opponent’s list was:

Kurt Steinlihber’s IG list – Seattle GT Game 2

170 HQ – Company Command w/ Creed, Lascannon. Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Chimera w/ 2 Heavy Bolters

343 HQ – Grey Knights Grandmaster w/ Sacred Incense, Icon of the Just, 3 Bodyguard Terminators, 1 with Psycannon (Outflanking, due to Creed’s special ability)

45 (HQ) Priest (accompanies Grey Knight Terminators)

167 ELITE – Inquisitor w/Psycannon, 2 Mystics, 2 Sages, 2 Warriors w/ Plasmagun, 1 Servitor w/ Plasma Cannon

400 TROOP – 2 IG Infantry Platoons, each w/ Platoon Command w/Lascannon, 2 Squads w/ Plasmagun, Autocannon

100 TROOP – Veterans w/ 3 Melta

390 FAST – 3 individual Vendettas (Outflanking 1 w/ Veterans, 2 w/ IG Squads)

125 HEAVY – Basilisk w/ Hvy Bolter

205 HEAVY – Leman Russ w/ Lascannon, Plasma Sponsons, Storm Bolter

Here’s the scenario:

So after only one Objective in the last mission, in this one you six… kinda.

I did my 'typical' deployment again of Celestian Immolators providing cover for the other un-smoked Immolators. He Outflanked all three Vendettas plus a unit of Grey Knight Terminators with Creed’s Outflank one unit rule, and did the typical IG Gunline with the rest. There’s a Basilisk behind the big rock on the left with one IG Squad, an Inquisitor Retinue in the center in front of his HQ Chimera, with the Platoon Command Squad and another IG Squad behind the hill in the right.

Fortunately, his shooting only immobilized one Celestian Immolator on the left, and any other shots were Stuns, or Shakes reduced by Extra Armor. I drive forward 12” and pop smoke. I have some ISTs give up their ride to the Celestians with the Immobilized Immolator and get ready to have them bunker down by the Center objective next turn.

Top of turn 2, and here comes one Outflanking Vendetta on the right…

…along with Outflanking Grey Knight Terminators and attached Priest…

…while the other Vendetta comes in on the left.

In the shooting phase, the GKTs run up to the Objective on the right. There are no other pictures of the shooting phase because I made almost every single smoke cover roll on any shot which glanced or penetrated. Perfect timing to have hot dice. The ‘almost’ was having the turret shot off of the Immobilized Immolator belonging to the Canoness.

Bottom of turn 2 and I split forces, going between the IG hiding behind the big rock with the basilisk on the left and the Inquisitor Retinue in the middle, getting close enough to flame the Command Squad behind the HQ Chimera while the Celestians bailed out for a suicide melta shot at the Leman Russ, with Dominion and Celestian Immolators in flaming position with a (soon to pop smoke) IST Immolator behind on the right. At the bottom center, IST’s take up residence in the immobilized Immolator next to a center objective.

I proceed to have the best shooting phase I’ve had in a long, long, Long, LONG time. I kill three IG in the rock on the left, reduce the center mob to just the Inquisitor and one Henchman who then run, kill off almost all the IG HQ, explode the Leman Russ, and kill even more IG behind the hill on the right.

Top of turn 3, and here comes the last Vendetta from Outflanking, while the GKTs and Valkyrie move towards the center of my deployment zone.

On the left, the IG disembark to get closer to the Objective and enable the Vendetta to go tank hunting.

The basilisk explodes the rear Immolator while the Vendetta wrecks the one in front. This also shows my turn moving to take on the IG on my left flank.

Bottom of turn 3, and Al’rahem shows up on the right. I’d have preferred to have them show up on the left as they’d be in better position to attack the IG there. The Immolator in the middle escorting the Canoness heading off the Grey Knights is filled with ISTs, and I realized too late driving them back was a mistake. I should have had them go after the IG HQ and center objective in my opponents deployment zone.

I did manage to explode the Vendetta next to the GKTs and Immobilize the other in addition to killing off the last of the IG behind the hill on the right.

Turn 4, and here come the IG vets out of the Vendetta .

A whole lot of shots later, the Special Weapon Squads are no more from lasguns on one side of the Chimera, or stuck in combat with survivors of the exploded Vendetta on the other…

…followed by a Grey Knight charge on Al’rahem’s Chimera, stunning it.

On the left, IG shooting wrecks the IST Immolator while Cadian Commander Creed cowers in his Chimera. A Vendetta also wrecks a Chimera on the right.

Bottom of turn 4, and I move the Celestians closer to the IG on my left Objective. My plan is to shoot and advance close enough to drw them off of it with an assault in round 5. At the top of the picture, three Dominions are unable to draw a bead on the Basilisk through the terrain and shoot at IG instead.

I run my surviving Immolators closer to the Basilisk and surrounding IG. Unfortunately, I have nothing in range to shoot the stunned Vendetta just out of frame to the left of the big rock..

Advancing my IG squad toward the Objective behind the hill, a lone surviving Celestian manages to not penetrate the Vendetta as a Chimera moves into next turn Heavy Flamer range of the Veterans.

Top of turn five, and here come the Grey Knight Terminators to get up close and personal with the Canoness and crew.

In the mean time, Vetrans prepare to melta Al’rahem’s ride.

Behind the big rock, the IG reposition into cover for better shots at the Dominions, and Vendetta shooting immobilized and shot off the turret of the Immolator at the top left.

In my turn, I manage to explode Creed’s Chimera and claim the center Objective with ISTs, as well as claim the right objective with my own IG.

The IG on the Objective in the left of my deployment zone managed to kill off three of the four Celestians with flashlights, and on my turn I shoot and kill one, and get THIS close to completing a charge in order to pull them off of the Objective.

The game ends in a win for me, 16 points to 9.

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