Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seattle GT Game 3 – Immo'rahem vs Blood Angels

Seattle GT Game 3 – Immo'rahem vs Blood Angels

Rachel Cirrocone’s Blood Angel list:

125 HQ – Librarian in Terminator Armor w/ Shield of Sanguinius & Unleash Rage

250 ELITE – 2 Furioso Dreads w Blood Talons, Meltagun, Stormbolter

455 ELITE – 5 TH/SS Terminators, Sergeant w/ Lighting Claws in a Land Raider Redeemer w/ MultiMelta (affected by Red Thirst)

420 TROOP 2 units of 10 Assault Marines w/ 2 Melta (Deep Striking)

435 FAST – 3 Baal Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons

300 HEAVY – 3 Predators w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons

Here's the scenario:

So, you see that whole "Confusion" rule? It meant that on a 4+ a unit just sits there for the first turn. If it moves on from the table edge, it stops as soon as it's fully on the board. Not "drive in 12 inches and stop" but rear armor on the board edge.

So, my deployment driving on the first turn wasn't this:

…instead it was this:

Rachel's deployment didn't suffer quite as badly

Top of turn 2, and look who shows up? Al'rahem on the left flank. The IG Squads are blobbed up, since it's a Kill points mission. Their Autocannon fire doesn't accomplish much of anything during the game, so this is the last you'll see of them.

The IG meltas manage to Immobilize a Baal Predator and blow off its turret even through the smoke, and shake a Predator as well. Unfortunately, the shots into the Furioso did nothing but confirm that, yes, it was in charge range next turn.

Bottom of two, and Rachel Deep Stikes an Assault Squad well away from harm…

…and in the shooting phase gets off a 6" run with them.

Rachel placed counters by her vehicles to remind her to move and shoot with them. On the left, a Furioso prepares to slice into the Special Weapon Squad who shot it last turn. Combined shooting from the Baals and Predators wreck the Canoness' Immolator allowing two more to fall to Assault cannon shots, and wounding the Canoness.

In the assault phase, the Furioso gets off a multicharge against Al'rahem's Chimera and the Special Weapons Team.

Top of turn three, and here comes the Meltas up against the BA parking lot. The Librarian has Shield of Sanguinius up, so everything within 6" of the Land Raider gets a 5+ cover save. Yep, you guessed it… if a shot hit and penetrated, it made that 5+ save, so this is ALSO the picture of the end of my shooting phase.

Although the Furioso did mange to Immobilize Al'rahem's Chimera, three Meltas still inside blew off the arm with the Meltagun in return. Meanwhile the Special Weapon Squad in the Chimera at the bottom of the picture advanced and blew up the turret-less Baal Predator while the other Chimera moved to get some side shots with its Mulitlaser, managing to wreck the Predator.

Bottom of three, and here come the rest of the Assault Marines Deep Striking in.

The other Furioso prepares to get up close and personal with an Immolator filled with Dominions. It missed with its Melta shot, and proceeded to do its cuisinart impression on the hull with its Blood Talons, failing to do anything.

The Chimera at the top got its turret blown off by Blood Angel shooting, while the Land raider Redeemer intends to burn some Sisters. If only they didn't have that pesky 3++ save… not a single model removed.

Top of turn four, and here's the situation: The Furioso on the left failed to do anything to the Chimera in close combat, and so is Melta bait. The Chimera on the hill is about to target the Predators behind the hill, the Land Raider Redeemer isn't happy with so many Meltas so close, the other Furioso is holding a 'Melta Me' sign in front of the other three Predators…

…while Dominions are driving up to engage the Assault Marines in the rear quarter while two IST filled Immolators intercept the other Assault Squad. I think how well I do in this game depends entirely on how much I can kill in this round.

IG Meltas blow up the Furioso and Baal Predator on the left, but Multilaser shots into the remaining Predator fail to accomplish much. In brighter news, the Land Raider gets cracked open, killing a TH/SS Terminator and wounding the Canoness in the explosion, but the remaining shooing does nothing to harm the Terminators.

Both Dominon Meltas miss the Predator in the rear quarter while the Immolator only kills off one Assault Marine. Both IST Immolators only kill one Assault Marine in the other squad with their Flame templates. And then, the four Plasmaguns inside rapid fire with the following results:

So, overall a good turn, but not as great as I'd hoped. You remember that "Melta Me' sign the Furioso was holding? Seems it absorbed the Melta shots since none manged to hit the Dreadnought.

Bottom of Four, and here comes the Beatstick, in the form of the previously Plasma'd Assault Squad…

…some Terminators who want to get off a big, juicy multicharge…

…and a Furioso and Assault Squad who want to see what's inside those Immolators.

In the shooting phase, two of the remaining Predators manage to Immobilize one IST Immolator while shaking them both…

…while the third Predator shoots past the Dread to Immobilise the Furioso's target…

…but the fourth, sidling closer to its friends, does not manage to cause any damage to the Melta-laden Chimera in the hill.

Here comes the Terminator Multicharge against a small group of Sisters with a 3++, as much good as that will do them…

…but the Canoness survives, pulling those Thunderhammers away from the Fast-moving Immolators they knocked a turret off of, as they Immobilized the other. Odds are she won't survive another turn.

Assault Marines charge the Immobile IST Immolator…

…and whiff completely as the Furioso manages to blow up the Immolator, exposing the four surviving Celestians (and their two Meltas) in the resulting crater. The other Assault Marines managed to kill all the Dominions in the explosion of their Immolator.

Top of turn five, and the turretless, shaken Immolator drops off its cargo of Celestians directly into the rear arc of a Predator (who blow it up), as a Furioso is turned into a wreck in the sights of two Meltas

Plasma shots kill two assault marines, but the lone survivor isn't bothered by that at all. Meanwhile, in the assault phase the Canoness succumbs to the Terminators in close combat.

Bottom of turn five, and the predators drive forward as the Assault marines move out of the rear quarter to engage the Celestians still stunned from exploding a Predator.

The Librarian leads the Terminators against the IG Special Weapon team, for they are crunchy, and good with milk…

…and here the Terminators charge in…

…and kill all of the Special Weapon Squad, but fail to hit the fast-moving Chimeras at all.

The lone Assault Marine Meltas open an Immolator to find three ISTs conveniently within charge range…

…only to die after slaughtering just one of the ISTs.

This is where the game ends, and Rachel wins, 9 Kill Points to 7. This sees me at the end of day one with one win, one loss, and one tie, and 33 out of 60 possible Battle Points. I go out to dinner with friends, head home to sleep and return for the next day of games.

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